For a conservative Republican, George W. Bush sounded a lot like
a liberal (or at least a Clintonian) Democrat in his budget speech
to Congress on February 27. He made promises about education, health
care and Social Security. "It would have been a great speech, if
he hadn't been lying," says Massachusetts Rep.
Barney Frank.
But Bush's proposed tax cut alone was an adequate reminder that
he wasn't telling the truth. Behind the liberal facade is class
warfare--a scheme to redistribute more wealth to the wealthy and
increase insecurity for the many, while protecting the prerogatives
and power of corporations.
Bush's dissembling is further confirmation of what lay beneath
the disappointing election results last fall: a progressive majority
searching for a voice and a vehicle. Although they will need to
stage defensive battles against the tax cut, progressives are ready
to push their agenda even on the unfriendly terrain in Congress.
They may not win much immediately, but an assertive strategy will
put pressure on wayward conservatives and centrists eager to cut
a deal with Republicans and will help encourage the Democrats to
adopt a more liberal strategy in upcoming elections. And if Democratic
leaders and, more likely, progressive groups actually make the effort
to educate and mobilize a real grassroots movement, the Bush years
could become the launching pad for a period of real progressive
reform in the near future.
The day after Bush's speech, the Campaign
for America's Future pulled together in Washington roughly 500
people, mostly leaders in a wide range of progressive groups and
unions, to discuss "the next agenda." The campaign, a small group
founded by Robert Borosage and Roger Hickey in part to counterbalance
the influence of the conservative Democratic Leadership Council,
had planned the gathering to prod a future President Gore to the
left. Despite the slight hitch in that scenario, the speakers--including
AFL-CIO President John Sweeney
and Congressional Democrats like Paul
Wellstone, Dick Durbin,
Jan Schakowsky, Jesse
Jackson Jr., Dennis
Kucinich, George
Miller and Maxine Waters--insisted
that there was strong popular support for expanded health care,
more spending on education, pay equity, public financing of elections,
stronger protection of the right to organize, a higher minimum (or
living) wage, and safeguards for workers rights and the environment
in global economic agreements.
Bush, however, clearly has the upper hand, and liberals will find
themselves hard pressed simply fighting against Republican outrages
and Democratic defections. The "next agenda" speakers recognized
that Bush could capture supposedly Democratic terrain if progressives
do not effectively define compelling alternatives to Bush proposals,
as well as criticize Bush's shortcomings, from school vouchers to
Social Security privatization.
While the "next agenda" gathering was largely a policy-oriented
call to arms, there was frequent, refreshing recognition that no
progressive agenda has a prayer without grassroots organizing across
the country. Think tanks and Washington offices backed by direct-mail
fundraising won't be enough.
At the same time, the progressive agenda should not be limited
simply to issues that register well in polls and elections. Some
issues, like combating national missile defense, may be more problematic
than promising to save Social Security, but they are equally important
to any well-conceived progressive agenda. One of the biggest challenges
for the left, however, is creating cooperation and a broader sense
of ideological community among the hundreds of issue and constituency
The Campaign for America's Future is not the vehicle to achieve
that goal. But discussions like the one in Washington, soon to be
taken around the country (and published in a book, The Next Agenda:
Blueprint for a New Progressive Movement), and the network of
grassroots leaders it hopes to pull together could help progressives
take steps in that direction. 