Defense Myths
There is a quaint quality about Lawrence Korb's assertion that
"the main reason political leaders continue to approve ever larger
expenditures on defense than necessary is that they have accepted
a series of misleading assumptions, or half-truths, about the current
state of America's military" ("Ten
Myths About the Defense Budget," April 2). Why, one wonders,
does he use "accepted" when the more apt word is "created" or "welcomed"?
Korb surely must know that--given the current enormity of the
U.S. war machine--the main reason ever larger defense expenditures
are appropriated by leaders of both major parties is the politician's
need to provide welfare for armaments manufacturers like Boeing,
Raytheon, General Dynamics, et al. The misleading assumptions and
half-truths are simply the usual pap they expect the American public
to accept.
Lester Goldstein
Lawrence Korb makes some good points concerning the size of the
military and current procurement strategies. However, I take exception
to his partial, and misleading, explanations of two of the "myths."
"Myth #8: The services are failing to meet their recruiting goals,
even though they have lowered the quality standards they maintained
in the '80s."
Korb assures us that the quality of military recruits remains high.
However, in "disproving" this myth he says nothing about the number
of recruits entering the military. The first part of his myth, and
not the latter, is the issue that should be addressed. As I understand
it, the military is well under strength.
"Myth #9: Personnel are leaving the services because a much higher
percentage of the force is deployed overseas than during the Cold
Korb is failing to distinguish between military personnel who are
stationed overseas and those who are deployed overseas. During the
Cold War, large forces were stationed in Germany and Korea (and
elsewhere) in what can best be described as garrison duty--these
personnel lived in military housing, were mostly accompanied by
their families, and enjoyed basically stable lives and reasonable
living conditions. Since the end of the Cold War, military forces
have been deployed frequently to various areas of the globe (the
Balkans, Somalia, Haiti and the Middle East). These missions tend
to be of short (a year or less) duration and are characterized by
primitive (at best) living conditions and prolonged separation from
family and loved ones. Anyone should be able to see the distinction
between being stationed in Germany and being able to go home to
one's family at the end of the day and being deployed in Bosnia,
Haiti, or Somalia and being able to go home to one's drafty tent
for a few hours of sleep each night.
Not only does Korb assert incorrectly that deployments are actually
down, but he tells the reader nothing about actual turnover rates
in the military, or the reasons cited by personnel for leaving the
military. Had he done any research into this issue, I suspect that
his "myths" would have proven to be reality.
Cpl. James H. Boschma
Troop E, 31st Cavalry
Alabama Army National Guard
Tuscaloosa, Alabama
I fully agree with Lawrence Korb that the Pentagon's budget has
vast room for revision. I further agree that leaders have "accepted
a series of misleading assumptions, or half-truths, about the current
state of America's military."
But whenever one discusses the military prior to either World War
in comparison to the military of today, as Korb does, it would be
good to remember that we spent the first year of losing both World
Wars--sending thousands of inexperienced civilians into combat,
allowing attrition and the terrors of combat to train the soldiers
that eventually drove back the enemy. The point of today's standing
Army and its realism-based training program is to avoid those massive
initial casualties.
But this does not compare to what follows. I wonder how Korb, former
assistant secretary of defense for manpower, reserve affairs and
logistics, could attest that the two-war strategy "defies ... history."
Was the 50th anniversary of World War II not enough to remind him
of the two-front war that spawned that policy?
The greatest myth of the Pentagon is that high-tech equipment can
replace human soldiers on the ground. This myth is an especially
powerful one, since it appears to reduce the risk of American casualties--and
is a massive pork barrel for military manufacturers. This prioritizing
of technology over troops leads to the second-greatest myth--that
"fringe benefits" for soldiers are unnecessary. Many of these "fringe
benefits" (such as health care) have been slowly drawn down over
the last decade, making it harder for soldiers to support their
families. Insofar as post housing (another "benefit") goes, I'd
just like to ask Korb if he's lived in base housing recently. Or,
if he'd be comfortable having his family living in a house where
the lead paint had not been removed, but just painted over.
The defense budget needs serious overhaul. There are plenty of
real problems with the military and its budget. I don't understand
why Korb had to create imaginary ones to prove his point.
Steven Saus
Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri
Thanks, Moberg
Kudos to David Moberg for his article on Free Trade Area of the
Americas ("FTAA,
Eh?" April 16). As a freelance writer who reads several Canadian
papers everyday, I found Moberg provided the most cogent analysis
I've seen on that issue. Having failed to inform myself through
daily stories that cover only the events, such as protesters and
police preparing for the Summit of Americas in Quebec City--and
not actual trade issues or the protesters' reasons for such passionate
resistance, I am pleased to assert that I am now informed. Before,
I was uncertain about attending the summit. That has changed. Moberg,
you may just have created one more activist.
James Moran
