Diana Novak is a fall 2009 editorial intern at In These Times and a contributor to Chicago INNERVIEW. She moonlights as a trial lawyer assistant.
Across the Pond, Another Bush-Era Torture Denial—and Revelation
Diana Novak
Corporations, Corruption, and the New Supreme Court Ruling
Diana Novak
End-of-Week Wrap-Up: Janitors, Housekeepers and Rabbis
Diana Novak
Holiday Season Memo: How to Shop Sweatshop-Free
Diana Novak

Sitting in for Healthcare
A new group takes the fight for a single-payer system directly to insurers—and politicians.
Diana Novak

America’s Real Death Panels
Jurors in capital cases must pledge support for the death penalty.
Diana Novak
Ahmadinejad: Self-Loathing Jew?
Diana Novak