
The right-wing takeover of Florida’s public honors college blurs the line between tragedy and farce, but attacks on universities are about to get worse.

Kathryn Joyce

Chronic mold has become an epidemic as severe as lead paint, but neither cities nor landlords are taking responsibility.

Thomas Birmingham

A months-long investigation found even the smallest hints of dissent are often met with unemployment.

Shane Burley

The last thing Sukhwinder Singh remembered was crossing through knee-deep water near the U.S.-Mexico border wall in Arizona. When he finally awoke, he learned that his passage to the land of opportunity had cost him an arm and both legs.

Makepeace Sitlhou

Around the world, government forces regularly attack environmental activists with impunity—and U.S. support.

Alessandra Bergamin

An In These Times investigation reveals the individuals behind AIPAC's election war chest: nearly 60% are CEOs and other top executives at the country's largest corporations.

Branko Marcetic

The state of Assam has become a laboratory of ethnonationalism, with warning signs of genocide ahead.

Ankur Singh

“After sweeps, late at night when there’s no providers here, when there’s no one to give the Narcan to people, people are running up and down the street screaming, begging for Narcan.”

Jack Ross

Amid rising geopolitical tensions, the U.S. is expanding its military presence in Greenland, increasing the risk of something going very wrong.

Adam Federman

Since we first profiled her, Lationna has returned to work, her son Kingsley is crawling—and the family is still just treading water.

Bryce Covert

Dobbs will throw many lives into disarray. Lationna Halbert’s is one of the first.

Bryce Covert

The European Union is militarizing Africa's internal borders to curb migration, with little regard for human rights.

Andrei Popoviciu

Black lung is completely preventable. And it's on the rise again.

Kim Kelly

In part two of our series, we visit the Colorado ski towns at the extreme edge of rural gentrification.

Joseph Bullington

The people who feed, clothe and clean up after the West’s rich newcomers can’t afford to live alongside them.

Joseph Bullington

Los trabajadores que alimentan, visten y aseean para los ricos recién llegados a occidente de Montana no pueden darse el lujo de vivir cerca de sus trabajos.

Joseph Bullington

These deaths are rarely covered in the media, but now, Native groups are organizing for justice in a growing Native Lives Matter movement.

Stephanie Woodard

Our 6-month investigation reveals the horrific and shameful conditions facing pregnant prisoners—and the inhumane treatment they receive.

Victoria Law

During an outbreak at Etowah County Detention Center, immigrants say solitary confinement was also used as medical isolation, against ICE guidelines.

Clarissa Donnelly-DeRoven

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