Eric K. Arnold spent 20 years as a music journalist and documentarian before expanding his repertoire to include community-based reportage on topical issues, from energy to environment to police accountability. He was a New America Media Energy Reporting Fellow in 2013. Currently the Communications Director for Oakland-based urban forestry organization Urban Releaf, Eric also handles media outreach for muralist collective Community Rejuvenation Project. Additionally, his photography can be seen regularly on the Oakulture blog, of which he is the founder.

Oakland Workers Join Grassroots Environmental Justice Activists To ‘Say No to Coal’
Eric K. Arnold
The Wavelength: Your So-Called Private Life
Eric K. Arnold
The Wavelength: Attack of the Media Mega-Mergers! Skyprosoft, AT&T-Mobile and more
Eric K. Arnold
“Underdog” AT&T Tells FCC That Eliminating Competitors Will Increase Competition
Eric K. Arnold
The Wavelength: Original Reporting—What’s it Worth? Plus: Tracking the AT&T/T-Mobile
Eric K. Arnold
The Wavelength: What does proposed AT&T and T-Mobile Merger Mean?
Eric K. Arnold