Colleen Boyle is a union researcher and organizer.

In a Single Year, $1.78 Trillion Was Taken From the Working Class
The wealth workers should have received, had wages kept up with productivity, was instead given to shareholders.
Colleen Boyle and Eric Dirnbach

For the $10 Billion It Gave Shareholders, John Deere Could Have Given Each Worker $142,000
Workers made a fortune for shareholders over the last six-year contract. They should demand that they get paid their true worth before shareholders get a penny.
Colleen Boyle

Banks Have Made $18 Billion From "Paycheck Protection Program" Processing Fees Alone
Fees paid to banks eclipse funding allocated to develop vaccines, provide medical supplies and feed children.
Colleen Boyle

Instead of Enriching Shareholders, These Companies Could Give 8 Million Workers a $46,000 Raise
How public companies like Nike and Apple are shifting money away from workers to the already very wealthy.
Colleen Boyle