Inside a shadowy banking system that secretly moves trillions of dollars around the world.
With Bushs new nukes, the world gets more dangerous.
The Failure of Brand USA
Why the Bush administration can't sell America abroad.
Learning from Enron
Will Washington ever get it?
Its time to fight the Enronization of the media.
Dangerous Lives
Colombias generals finally have the war they want, but their countrys people pay the price.
Steeling Home.
Sharons Lessons in Terror
War crimes tribunal for Cambodia proves elusive.
Polluters rewrite the Clean Water Act.
Indian Rights
American tribes take their case against Washington to international courts.
No Fun or Games
Chinese sweatshops churn out toys for the United States.
Intimidation Tactics
Neal Horsley: One mean anti-abortionist.
FILM: What Time Is It There?
The Cricket-Loving Marxist Dandy
BOOKS: C.L.R. James: A Life.
The Invisible Band
MUSIC: Gorillaz in our midst.
March 15, 2002
Harsh Toke! 3.9
In March, thirtysomething go-getter Chris Hill was named one of the 500 Businessman
of 2001 by the National Republican Congressional Committee. According to a report
by the News-Journal wire service, that put the Florida manufacturer in
the running for Republican of the Year. Problem is, Hill is a drug-paraphernalia kingpin. In fact, he faces up to 20
years in federal prison after his marijuana pipes were discovered in an Iowa
raid. GOP officials were understandably surprised by the news, and they promise
to strip Hill of his dignities if the charges stick. But Hill is showing himself
to be a party man through and through. Im not going to make pipes
again, he complained. Im embarrassed that my government has
put me in this position. Theyve lumped me in with some liberal longhaired
dopers. Thats not the kind of crowd I run with. Naming Rights 3.1
Shes big, shes hard, she really gets around, and shes often
full of murky goo. Shes Condoleeza Rice. Or, she was until her
corporate owners decided shed be better off traveling under the moniker
Altair Voyager. The San Francisco Chronicle reports that Chevron
honchos judged it a little unseemlywith all the recent hubbub about energy
boodlingto have one of their oil tankers named after a Bush administration
consigliere. Hence the switch. Make A Joyful Noise 4.6
At times, ours seems not so much an empire as a backwoods freak show. John Ashcroft, our snake-handling Draco, has been known to anoint himself with Mazola chrism, in the Old Testament fashion, when sworn into office. Now, according to a report in the Guardian, he has taken to leading hymn sessions at office meetings, where Department of Justice lawyers are encouraged to join in renditions of Ashcrofts own compositions. One such, Let the Eagle Soarin which our nations mascot is shown to soar like shes never soared before, from rocky coast to golden shorehas particularly rankled staffers handicapped with taste and sensibility. Have you heard the song? a department lawyer anonymously complained. It really sucks.
The Return of Tricky Dick? 5.1