Radical cleric Pat Robertson makes a convincing case against men serving in combat, or any position of responsibility:
Robertson excused CIA Director Petraeus for the extramarital affair with his biographer, Broadwell, on Monday’s episode of “The 700 Club,” the flagship program of the Christian Broadcasting Network.
“Who knows?” he said. “The man’s off in a foreign land and he’s lonely and here’s a good looking lady throwing herself at him. I mean, he’s a man.”
According to Robertson, men lose all powers of rational thought and ethical decision-making when confronted with a good looking woman who runs Iron Man Triathalons.
If Robertson is correct, men should be kept at home, under careful supervision, lest unscrupulous females prey on their masculine frailty.
In keeping with woman’s role as commander, God blessed females with menstrual cycles so that they might anticipate hormonal danger zones and steel themselves against masculine wiles. Men, bless their hearts, are testosterone-addled 24/7.
Sure, some people will say that men should toughen up and do the right thing, but that kind of knee-jerk political correctness will only end in tears.
It’s time to protect the flower of American masculinity by sequestering men as God and nature intended.