Aallyah Wright reports on rural affairs and leads race and equity coverage for Stateline. Previously, Aallyah worked for Mississippi Today, a digital nonprofit newsroom covering K-12 education and government in the Mississippi Delta — her home region. As a member of the Delta Bureau, she investigated Mississippi’s teacher shortage, finding it was six times worse than in 1998 when the Mississippi legislature passed a bill to alleviate the crisis. She is a 2020 Mississippi Humanities Council Preserver of Mississippi Culture Award Recipient, 2019 StoryWorks Theater Fellow, and 2018 Educating Children in Mississippi Fellow at the Hechinger Report. Wright graduated from Delta State University with a bachelor’s in journalism and minors in communication and theater. 

Rural America
Rural Areas Struggle to Compete for Nurses as They Face Dire Shortages
Covid has overwhelmed hospitals, prompting many overburdened nurses to change careers or retire early. The shortages have hit rural areas particularly hard.
Aallyah Wright
Rural America
How Cuts to Unemployment Benefits Will Hurt Rural People
Republican governors in at least 22 states are ending federal unemployment assistance. The cuts will hit hard in rural areas and communities of color.
Aallyah Wright