In These Times
In 1976, author and historian James Weinstein, along with a handful of journalists, moved to Chicago to launch an independent publication to inform and critically analyze the emerging new movements on the American Left. They called the publication In These Times.

They modeled their new publication on Appeal to Reason, a socialist newspaper from the turn of the century that once reached more than half a million subscribers. From the beginning, In These Times relied on the financial support of its readers, and the list of founding sponsors included Julian Bond, Noam Chomsky, Barbara Ehrenreich, Daniel Ellsberg and Michael Harrington.
In These Times carved out a unique space on the Left, bridging coverage of social movements with progressive electoral politics while publishing groundbreaking investigations that challenge the growing influence of corporations over government and our daily lives.
That legacy continues on to this day. Our journalism amplifies the ideas, strategies and tactics emerging from grassroots organizing and labor efforts across the country, providing the public attention and intellectual fuel that progressives need to leverage, build and wield power.
In These Times is an independent, nonprofit magazine dedicated to advancing democracy and economic justice, informing movements for a more humane world, and providing an accessible forum for debate about the policies that shape our future.

Alex Han
Executive Director

Jessica Stites
Editorial Director

Ari Bloomekatz
Executive Editor

Jamie Hendry
Associate Publisher

Rachel K. Dooley
Creative Director

Miles Kampf-Lassin
Senior Editor

Sherell Barbee
Print Editor

J. Patrick Patterson
Associate Editor

Kathryn Joyce
Investigative Editor

Nashwa Bawab
Web Producer

Tyler He
Development Assistant

Hamilton Nolan
Labor Writer

Kim Kelly
Labor Writer

Sarah Lazare
Contributing Editor

Rebecca Sterner
Circulation Director
Editorial Independence Policy
In These Times is a reader-supported, independent nonprofit news organization. We subscribe to standards of editorial independence adopted by the Institute for Nonprofit News:
- Our organization retains full authority over editorial content to protect the best journalistic and business interests of our organization. We maintain a firewall between news coverage decisions and sources of all revenue. Acceptance of financial support does not constitute implied or actual endorsement of donors or their products, services or opinions.
- We accept gifts, grants and sponsorships from individuals and organizations for the general support of our activities, but our news judgments are made independently and not on the basis of donor support.
- Our organization may consider donations to support the coverage of particular topics, but our organization maintains editorial control of the coverage. We will cede no right of review or influence of editorial content, nor of unauthorized distribution of editorial content.
Donor Transparency
In These Times is committed to transparency in every aspect of funding our organization.
Accepting financial support does not mean we endorse donors or their products, services or opinions.
We accept gifts, grants and sponsorships from individuals, organizations and foundations to help with our general operations, coverage of specific topics, and special projects. Our news judgments are made independently — not based on or influenced by donors. We do not give supporters the rights to assign, review or edit content.
In These Times will make public all donors who give a total of $500 or more per year as part of our annual report.
Consulting Editor
Bob Miller
Sharon Bloyd-Peshkin, Amelia Diehl, Jaron Feldman, Thomas Gaulkin, Rochelle Lodder, Lindsay Muscato
Senior Editors
Terry J. Allen, Patricia Aufderheide, Susan J. Douglas, David Moberg (1943-2022), Salim Muwakkil, David Sirota, Kurt Vonnegut (1922-2007)
Contributing Writers
Kate Aronoff, Theo Anderson, Michael Atkinson, Frida Berrigan, Michelle Chen, Jude Ellison Sady Doyle, Pete Karman, Jane Miller, Shaun Richman, Cole Stangler, Slavoj Žižek
Contributing Editors
Dean Baker, Frida Berrigan, Barbara Ehrenreich (1941-2022), Jeremy Gantz, Mindy Isser, Naomi Klein, John Nichols, Rick Perlstein, Micah Uetricht
Cartoons Editor
Matt Bors
Terry LaBan, Dan Perkins
Website Development
Board of Directors
Craig Aaron, M. Nieves Bolaños, Kevin Creighan, Christian Diaz, James Harkin, Katelyn Johnson, Robert Kraig, Jawanza Malone, Rick Perlstein, Keisa Reynolds, Steven Saltzman, and William Weaver
Publishing Consortium
Lucille Boilard-Harkin and James Harkin, Jesse Crawford, Leonard Goodman, Laura Graham and T. M. Scruggs, Collier Hands, Polly Howells and Eric Werthman, Ellen Leary, Gladys Miller-Rosenstein, Adelaide Park Gomer, Shira Piven and Adam McKay, Abby Rockefeller and Lee Halprin, Neal Rosenstein, David Taber, Ross and Rosalie Thomas, Stephanie and William Weaver
Elizabeth Brackett and Fred Olson, Kevin George, Jon Hagler, Susan Mikula, Jenny and Trevor Tomkins, Thomson von Stein
Theresa Alt and Wayles Browne, Lucy and Peter Ascoli, Pat Aufderheide, Kevin Creighan, Bernadette Cronin-Geller and Lawrence Geller, Dwayne Huebner, Bruce P. Merrill, Nancy Fleck Myers, Brian Sherman, Marc Silberman
Edmund Abegg, Jennifer Alter Warden and Robert Warden, Paula Baron, Stuart R. Bass, Kay Berkson and Sidney Hollander, Martha Biondi, Jennifer Boal and Roland Goff, Maria Bolaños, Nicole Brodeur and Alex Payne, Mike Brown, Stephen Bruce, Joy Clendenning and Michael Scott, Joshua Cohen, Dolores M. Emspak and Frank Emspak, Lawrence Finch, Martha J. Fleischman, Christine George, Martha Goldin, Marie Gottschalk, Connie and Kenneth Graham, Dedrea and Paul Gray, Ellen Hanson, Marjorie P. Harrison, Teresa and Dennis Hendry, Lucy and Rich Henighan, Josiah Heyman, Alisse Waterston and Howard Horowitz, Herschel Kaminsky, Rochelle Lefkowitz and Felix Kramer, Nancy Kricorian and James Schamus, George Laughead, Peter Livingston, Peter Martinazzi, Robert Masta, Dorothy Mauser, Peg and Dave Melchior, Robert Metcalf, Robert Nixon, Sarah Paley and Bob Kerrey, Maxine Phillips, Bernadine and Edward D. Pillar, Gordon Quinn, Judith Rhinestine and Michael Stein, Joel Rogers, Jinx and Frank Roosevelt, Margaret C. Rung, Mardge Cohen and Gordon Schiff, Rachel Sherman, Bette Sikes, Robert Smit, Richard Smith, Jacquelyn Ellenz and Steven Snyder, Ellen Stone Belic, Amy Thornton, Barbara Walden, Susan Weltman, Jack Wuest
David Arms, Dick Bennett, Annie Berry, Kate Bronfenbrenner, Paul Bundy, Robert Burns, Nicholas Burt, Bruce Bush, Carolyn Byerly, Mary Ann Clawson, Jennifer Colver and Michael Kulik, Constance Cooper and Marc Bastuscheck, Carol and Rexford Ames English, Bob Geisel, H. Candace Gorman and Christopher Ross, John Greene, Renata and John Hahn-Francini, Richard A. Hansis, Paul Hanson, Elizabeth Higginbotham, Celeste Januszewski and Dan Miller, Robin Kelley, Jack Knight, Robert Kraig, Lorenzo Kristov, T. Marshall Kuykendall, Timothy Lange, Jim Leary, Anthony Litwinko, Melanie Liu, Robin Lloyd, Cathy Lowder, Ann Markusen and Rod Walli, John McLees, Stephen Mooser, Monique Morrissey and Michael Duffy, Amy Morton and Rob Milburn, Luann Mostello and Art Milholland, Sara Nelson, Jill and Thomas Newhouse, A. Paul Olsen, Mary Padgett, Maria Pastoor and John Klein, James Phillips, Roberta Pikser, Gail Radford, John Ridley, Richard Riegel, Don Rose, Paul Rosenblum, Steven Saltzman, Margo Schlanger and Samuel Bagenstos, Frank L. Schneider, Dana Smith, Lauren Goldfarb Steiner, Matthew Topel, Charlie Varano, Douglas J. Wagner, Robert Weissbourd, Laurie Wermter, Paul Wiechman, Tracey Wilson
Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, Chandler-Shreve Family Fund, Collins Family Charitable Fund, Emma Bowen Foundation, Keller Family Charitable Trust, Legacy Regional Community Foundation, Lorraine and Victor Honig Fund for Social Change, Park Foundation Ltd., Peggy Meyerhoff Pearlstone Foundation, Puffin Foundation, Rogers Family Fund, Thomas Family Trust, Tides Foundation
In These Times Alumni
Craig Aaron, Eric Alterman, Dean Baker, Sidney Blumenthal, Monika Bauerlein, Sara Corbett, David Corn, Ana Marie Cox, Barbara Ehrenreich, Ben Ehrenreich, Laura Flanders, Tom Frank, Amy Goodman, Juan Gonzales, Miles Harvey, Christopher Hayes, John Judis, Naomi Klein, Robert W. McChesney, Harold Myerson, Jim Naureckas, Craig Nelson, John Nichols, Sal Paolantonio, Christian Parenti, Michael Paterniti, Jeff Sharlet, Ken Silverstein, Jeffrey St. Clair, Ilan Stavans, Andrew Sullivan, Tracy Van Slyke, Kurt Vonnegut, Alice Walker, Joan Walsh
Founding Sponsors
Robert Allen, Julian Bond (1940-2015), Noam Chomsky, Barry Commoner, Al Curtis, Hugh DeLacy (1910-1986), G. William Domhoff, Douglas Dowd, David Du Bois, Barbara Ehrenreich (1941-2022), Daniel Ellsberg, Frances Putnam Fritchman, Stephen Fritchman, Barbara Garson, Eugene D. Genovese, Emily Gibson, Michael Harrington (1928-1989), Dorothy Healey (1914-2006), David Horowitz, Paul Jacobs (1918-1978), Arthur Kinoy, Ann J. Lane, Elinor Langer, Jesse Lemisch, Salvador Luria (1912-1991), Staughton Lynd, Harry Magdoff (1913-2006), Herbert Marcuse (1898-1979), Carey McWilliams (1905-1980), David Montgomery, Carlos Munoz, Harvey O'Connor (1897-1987), Jessie Lloyd O'Connor (1904-1988), Earl Ofari, Ronald Radosh, Paul Schrade, Derek Shearer, Stan Steiner (1925-1987), Warren Susman (1927-1985), Paul Sweezy (1910-2004), E.P. Thompson (1924-1993), Naomi Weisstein, William A. Williams (1921-1990), John Womack Jr.