Aaron Sarver is an independent audio producer and writer based in Chicago. His work has appeared in In These Times, The Chicago Reader, Alternet.org, and on Free Speech Radio News. For nearly three years he produced and co-hosted the radio program, Fire on the Prairie, which featured interviews with progressive writers and activists, and is archived at fireontheprairie.com.
Republican Congressman believes invading Iraq a mistake
Aaron Sarver
National polling numbers don’t mean much
Aaron Sarver
Will Ferell does anti-Bush commercial
Aaron Sarver
Medea Benjamin removed from DNC
Aaron Sarver
Michael Moore and Bill O’Reilly square off
Aaron Sarver
Obama’s DNC speech
Aaron Sarver
Coulter’s column in USA Today spiked
Aaron Sarver
Obama + McKinney = hope for Progressives?
Aaron Sarver
Media smear campaign about Farenheit 9/11 underway
Aaron Sarver
more secret dentention centers
Aaron Sarver
June 30th handover a sham
Aaron Sarver
Create your own Bush reelection poster
Aaron Sarver
Fire on the Prairie
Aaron Sarver
Why Dean has won the nomination.
Aaron Sarver
Does Dean have it wrapped up?
Aaron Sarver

Reporting in Exile
Aaron Sarver