Allen McDuffee writes about politics and policy. He blogs and hosts a podcast at governmentality and is currently working on a book about the influence of think tanks in Washington.

No JROTC Left Behind
Are military schools recruitment pools?
Allen McDuffee

RoboCop in Iraq
In the next five years, according to DefenseLink, the Pentagon plans to spend $2 billion on robots, breaking the monopoly of human soldiers in an army
Allen McDuffee

Empire’s Architecture
Should it ever be finished, the U.S. embassy in Iraq will stand as a colossal monument to the Bush administration's failures
Allen McDuffee
Another War We Can’t Afford
The neo-cons may be coordinating with the American Enterprise Institute, the Wall Street Journal, the Weekly Standard, Commentary, Fox, and all the usual suspects to build enough public support to bomb Iran
Allen McDuffee
With an Empire to Build, Who Needs an Iraqi Parliament?
The Bush administration has brought democracy to Iraq, only to ignore it
Allen McDuffee
Deconstructing Hezbollah
Allen McDuffee