April Simpson reports on rural issues at Stateline. Before joining Pew, April was associate editor of Current, where she covered public broadcasting and nonprofit media. April was a Fulbright fellow in Botswana and Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo fellow with the International Women’s Media Foundation. She has written for the Seattle Times and the Boston Globe, among other publications. April is a graduate of Smith College and the London School of Economics and Political Science.

Rural America
A New Law Promised Debt Relief for Black Farmers. Instead, Some Got Collection Notices.
The American Rescue Plan included $4 billion in debt relief for farmers of color, but a lawsuit has thrown the program, and the farmers who need it, into limbo.
April Simpson

Rural America
Between Dwindling Revenue and Rising Virus Cases, Rural Hospitals Face a Reckoning
April Simpson

Rural America
After Years of Disinvestment, Rural Health Care Systems May Be Ill-Equipped to Cope with an Outbreak
April Simpson

Rural America
As Local News Outlets Shutter, Rural America Suffers Most
April Simpson