Arundhati Roy is the author of The God of Small Things, a novel for which she won the Booker Prize in 1997. She is also a tireless activist for social causes, particularly around issues of international peace, poverty, and empire building.

Arundhati Roy: We Must Globalize Dissent
Radical alternatives to empire must come from the ground up—and traverse borders.
Arundhati Roy

India's Trail of Tears
To justify a land grab, Delhi has a new enemy—the Maoists.
Arundhati Roy

People vs. Empire
Only global resistance from below can counter repressive states
Arundhati Roy

Seize the Time
Arundhati Roy charts a strategy against empire
Arundhati Roy

The Ordinary Person’s Guide to Empire
Arundhati Roy

New World Disorder
War is peace. Now we know.
Arundhati Roy