Ellen Bravo directs the Family Values @ Work Consortium, a network of 21 state coalitions working for policies such as paid sick days and family leave insurance. Before helping start FV@W, Ellen was the director of 9to5. Her most recent book is Taking on the Big Boys, or Why Feminism is Good for Families, Business and the Nation.
Ellen has served on several state and federal commissions, including the bi-partisan Commission on Leave appointed by Congress to study the impact of the Family and Medical Leave Act. She’s a member of the leadership team of Caring Across Generations, and on the boards of Working America and the Progressive States Network. Among her commendations is a Ford Foundation Visionary award and the Francis Perkins “Intelligence and Courage” award. Ellen lives in Milwaukee with her husband; they have two adult sons.

The Right to Call In Sick
Portland joins a growing number of cities adopting paid sick leave ordinances.
Ellen Bravo