Greg Palast is the author of the New York Times bestsellers The Best Democracy Money Can Buy (2003) and Armed Madhouse (2007), and the newly released Vultures Picnic: In Pursuit of Petroleum Pigs, Power Pirates and High-Finance Carnivores (2011). Palast has won the George Orwell Courage in Journalism Award his investigative reporting. His stories have been published in many newspapers and magazines, as well as broadcast on the BBC and Democracy Now! His website is at
The Ice Man, Radioactive
Harold Simmons: the GOP’s $50 million man.
Greg Palast
True Crime Finance Stories
Who's to blame for the implosion of Greece—and the global economy?
Greg Palast
Debt Vultures Shot for Chanukah
Liberia is saved, but the predators are not done.
Greg Palast
Stop Feeding the Vultures
Greg Palast
The Talented Mr. Griffin
The senators grilling Alberto Gonzales should ask him about Arkansas' new U.S. attorney--and his history of suppressing minority voters
Greg Palast
The Ballots at the Back of the Bus
Most voters in Ohio chose Kerry; here’s how the votes vanished.
Greg Palast
Fear for Sale
Greg Palast
Education Eugenics
Greg Palast