Ian Reifowitz is the author of Obama’s America: A Transformative Vision of Our National Identity (Potomac Books, 2012), and Imagining an Austrian Nation: Joseph Samuel Bloch and the Search for a Multiethnic Austrian Identity, 1846-1919 (East European Monographs; distributed by Columbia University Press, 2003). He is Professor of History at Empire State College of the State University of New York. His articles on American politics have appeared in The Daily News, Newsday, The New Republic, The Post-Star, and elsewhere.

Feeling Angry About the Darren Wilson Decision? Join the Fight for the ‘Michael Brown Law’
We can't change the grand jury's verdict, but we can take action alongside the Brown family to require police to wear body cameras.
Ian Reifowitz

Elizabeth Warren Needs to Run for President—Even If She Doesn’t Want To
She's the only one who can save the Democrats from themselves.
Ian Reifowitz

Today Show Nabs Soldiers Who Scam Thousands, Ignores Corporations That Scam Billions
Ian Reifowitz

A Nazi History Lesson
Alienated whites in Obama's America
Ian Reifowitz