Jason Wozniak is a researcher and organizer with Debt Collective and professor in the Department of Educational Foundations and Policy Studies at West Chester University. Jason taught in Chicago Public Schools from 2000-2004.
Debt Is Wage Theft, Debt Steals Leisure Time, Debt Can Suppress Strikes: Debt Is a Labor Issue
A conversation with organizers across industries on how debt shapes the fight for worker power.
Jason Wozniak, Sara Nelson, Brittany Alston, Olivia Schwob, Jackson Potter and Teresa Romero
“He Sold Our Schools off to the Highest Bidder”
A look inside Paul Vallas' history of harming public education and a sampling of the shock doctrine politics, anti-union postures, neoliberal policies and budgetary schemes he brought to school districts around the country—and world—and the havoc they helped create.
David I. Backer and Jason Wozniak