Joe Macaré is a writer, editor and development and communications professional, originally hailing from the UK and now residing in Chicago. His writing has appeared at In These Times, TruthOut, AlterNet, Dazed and Confused, The Times, Plan B and Stylus. He has appeared on WBEZ radio and Chicago Newsroom to discuss his extensive coverage of the Occupy Chicago movement.
In London and then Chicago, Joe has been a Writer/Editor, a Communications Consultant and an online Content Editor, but all of those jobs seemed to end up involving the same skill set.
He has been an occasional contributor to the music press and in that capacity has written for several publications and websites, many of them now defunct, including Stylus, Plan B and No Innocent Bystanders. He also wrote a couple of short comic strips which were drawn by a very talented artist. People seemed to like them.

The Steady Occupation: Does Occupy Chicago’s South Side Camp Point a New Way Forward?
Joe Macaré
Talking Occupy on Chicago Newsroom
Joe Macaré

Occupy’s Radicalism Prompts Disdain from Liberal Class
After holding so-called 'progressive' Democrats accountable, Occupy Chicago gets a telling-off from media and aldermen.
Joe Macaré
Obama for America Says: Stay Home and Shop!
Joe Macaré
The Steady Occupation: Watch Livestream of Today’s Occupy Day of Action
Joe Macaré
The Steady Occupation: NYPD Eviction Attempt Underway in Dead of Night
Joe Macaré
The Steady Occupation: Police Move in on Occupy Oakland, Quan’s Legal Adviser Resigns
Joe Macaré
The Steady Occupation: Should Obama for America Be Embarrassed by Chicago’s Emanuel?
Joe Macaré
Chicago Protesters Mic Check Gov. Walker
Joe Macaré
Mike Elk on Obama’s Free Trade & Jobs Bills
Joe Macaré
Micah Uetricht on his Occupy Chicago Arrest
Joe Macaré
The Daily Occupation: Occupy Chicago and Emanuel Face Escalating War of Attrition
Joe Macaré
The Daily Occupation: Preparing to Take the Horse, Even if Rahm Says Nay
Joe Macaré
The Daily Occupation: Testing the Limits of Freedom
Joe Macaré
Bloomberg Backs Down, Occupy Wall St. Rejoices
Joe Macaré
The Daily Occupation, Early Edition: Eviction Day Postponed in NYC
Joe Macaré
The Daily Occupation: Mayors and Police Choose Their Response
Joe Macaré
Klein & Kilkenny: Occupy Wall St. Won’t Be Coopted
Joe Macaré
Occupy Movement Growing “All Day, All Week”
Joe Macaré
Laura Flanders at Occupy Wall Street
Joe Macaré
In These Times Hires Allison Kilkenny, Beau Hodai, Mike Elk, and Sady Doyle
Joe Macaré
Take Back The American Dream Conference
Joe Macaré
Occupy Wall Street Continues With Showdown on Brooklyn Bridge [LIVE VIDEO]
Joe Macaré
Despite NYPD Efforts, Wall Street Stays Occupied
Joe Macaré
Stephen Lerner: Create A Crisis For The Super Rich
Joe Macaré
Salim Muwakkil Talks Cops vs. Citizens
Joe Macaré
Home Run for Billionaires, Teachers Plunked in Rahm’s Chicago
Joe Macaré
Chomsky on ‘Extreme Contempt for Democracy’
Joe Macaré
Elk: Labor Leaders Have ‘Stockholm Syndrome’
Joe Macaré
Mike Elk on the Verizon Strike
Joe Macaré
Will The New Spider-Man Smash Teachers Unions?
Joe Macaré
Beau Hodai & Thom Hartmann on ALEC (starts 18:30)
Joe Macaré
Mike Elk Talks ALEC & Prison Labor
Joe Macaré
Mike Elk on Prison Labor in Wisconsin
Joe Macaré
Mike Elk Invites Obama to Join Picket Line
Joe Macaré
Salim Muwakkil on ‘Flash Mobs’ and Chicago Poverty
Joe Macaré
Media Matters Says Goodbye to Beck’s Craziness
Joe Macaré
Daily Show Co-Creator Lizz Winstead to Locked-Out Honeywell Workers: ‘Stay Strong’
Joe Macaré
Leo Gerard: Steelworkers Will Focus on State Elections
Joe Macaré
Van Jones Fires Up Netroots Nation 2011
Joe Macaré
Netroots Nation: Obama Shills & Breitbart vs. People Who’re Actually Making A Difference
Joe Macaré
Michelle Chen & Other Female Journalists Discuss Their ‘Beats’
Joe Macaré
Why Have U.S. Jobs Gone Overseas?
Joe Macaré
How Could Obama Stop Unionbusting?
Joe Macaré
A Common Conservative Tactic: Policing the Boundaries of Acceptable Art
Joe Macaré
Mike Elk on Boeing, GOP Attack on NLRB
Joe Macaré
Live: Minnesota Senate Debates Anti-Gay Amendment
Joe Macaré
Joel Bleifuss Interviewed At NCMR
Joe Macaré