Kim Bobo, founder and executive director of Interfaith Worker Justice and a columnist for Religion Dispatches, is the author of Wage Theft in America: Why Millions of Working Americans Are Not Getting Paid -- And What We Can Do About It (The New Press) and co-author of Organizing for Social Change, the best-selling organizing manual in the country.
Chicago Math and Science Academy: Great Academics, Ugly Unionbusting
Kim Bobo
Overdue Confirmations Crucial for Department of Labor
Kim Bobo
Hilda Solis: Great Choice for Labor
Kim Bobo

The Crisis of Wage Theft
Billions of dollars in wages are being illegally stolen from millions of workers each and every year, writes Kim Bobo, in this excerpt from her new book Wage Theft in America (The New Press)
Kim Bobo
Blueprint for a Real Secretary of Labor
Kim Bobo
The Next Great Awakening
Kim Bobo