Maggie Duffy is a Brooklyn-based writer and an In These Times editorial intern. She is a graduate of Occidental College where she earned a degree in sociology. She most recently worked as a researcher for American Friends Service Committee.

“The Lesson Here Is That the System Is Cruel”: Keri Blakinger on Prison Journalism
The formerly incarcerated reporter speaks out on the challenges of prison reporting and her new memoir, Corrections in Ink.
Maggie Duffy

Speed Grocery Delivery Workers Are in a Dangerous Race
A new industry of venture-capital-backed startups claim their workers are fast. Are they faster than regulations?
Maggie Duffy

Meet the High School Students Who Organized Thousands to Walk Out for Amir Locke
Twin Cities teens demand a true ban on deadly "no-knock" warrants, a broken promise from Mayor Frey.
Paige Oamek and Maggie Duffy