Michael Lighty, a Sanders Institute Fellow and DSA activist, is a consultant for the National Union of Healthcare Workers.

Nurses Set To Strike Against New York City’s Healthcare Monopolies
Decades of mergers and acquisitions have turned New York’s hospitals into profit-oriented corporations. Nurses are fighting to change that.
Michael Lighty

States Now Hold the Key to Making Medicare for All a Reality
With action stalled at the national level, local elected officials and movement organizers have joined forces to enact single-payer healthcare.
Michael Lighty

How to Win Medicare for All Under President Biden
With a Democratic White House and Congress, we have an opportunity to organize like never before to finally achieve a universal, single-payer healthcare system. Let’s seize it.
Michael Lighty

Can Medicare for All Be the Next $15 an Hour? It’s Up To the Labor Movement.
Michael Lighty