Nashwa Bawab is Assistant Editor at In These Times. She is an organizer and reporter with bylines in The Intercept, Electronic Intifada, Texas Monthly, The Texas Observer and more. 

PalestineElection 2024
Black-Palestinian Solidarity in Moments of Crisis and Beyond
A year into Israel's war in Gaza, four activists working at the intersection of Black and Palestinian liberation discuss the genocide, the upcoming U.S. election and the power of international solidarity.
Nashwa Bawab
“It's a Statement About Who the University Belongs to”
A roundtable about resistance to privatization and the corporate governance of universities with Eman Abdelhadi (Univ. of Chicago), Calvin John Smiley (Hunter), Layla Hedroug (Yale), Owen Levens (DePaul), and an organizer from National Students for Justice in Palestine.
Nashwa Bawab
Hundreds of people of different backgrounds stand shoulder to shoulder in a crowd.
ViewpointPalestineThe Right-Wing Issue
The Right's Persecution of Palestine Supporters Looks a Lot Like a New Red Scare
Workers have been fired. Students have lost job offers. Activists have been harassed. But you can’t bully a movement into silence.
Nashwa Bawab
Democrats Cannot "Have Double Standards": An Interview With State Rep. Abdelnasser Rashid
Rashid, the first Palestinian in the Illinois General Assembly, talks with Nashwa Bawab about Gaza, Biden, Wadea Al-Fayoume, and the settler attack on his childhood home of Turmusaya.
Nashwa Bawab
There Is Hope—and a Growing Movement for Palestine. Join Us in Washington D.C. on Saturday.
The time is now for people from all walks of life to raise their voices and demand Biden call for a cease-fire and for the United States to stop funding war and oppression.
Nashwa Bawab
Edward Said: “The Idea of Palestine Hounds Zionists”
In September of 1982, Edward Said analyzed the Zionist invasion of Lebanon, calling for justice for Palestinians. Days later, the right wing Lebanese Phalangist militia, accompanied by Israel, embarked on a brutal massacre at the Shatila refugee camp.
Nashwa Bawab