Samuel Farber was born and raised in Marianao, Cuba. He has published many articles and books about Cuba, as well as about the Russian Revolution and other topics. He is a retired professor at CUNY (The City University of New York) and lives in New York City.
This article is the English version of “Reflexiones sobre el 11 de julio y lo que viene después,” published in the left-wing blog La Joven Cuba, one of the most important in the country, on Nov. 1, 2021. While La Joven Cuba (and many other Cuban critical blogs) have been repeatedly harassed by the Cuban government, the authorities have not yet been able to silence them.

How to Democratize Cuba
Will the November 15 protests in Cuba provide a democratic opening?
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Why Cubans Protested on July 11
Is this the beginning of the end of fear in Cuba?
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Fidel Castro (1926-2016)
A major feature of Fidel Castro’s 47-year-old rule was his manipulation of popular support and the creation of a political system that does not hesitate to use repression, and not only against class enemies, to cement its power.
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The Second Coming of El Papa to Cuba
Pope Benedict XVI makes common cause with the Castro brothers.
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