Sarah Anderson directs the Global Economy Project and co-edits at the Institute for Policy Studies.

Election 2024
In States Across the Country, Voters Chose to Take On Inequality
In the 2024 election, voters passed ballot initiatives to tax the rich, fund long term care and provide paid leave.
Sarah Anderson

Low-Wage Corporations Are Fleecing Their Workers to Massively Inflate CEO Pay
Why don’t low wage workers earn more? Because their bosses plowed $522 million into manipulating their stock price—and CEO paychecks—instead.
Sarah Anderson

Wealthy Corporations Are Paying Their CEOs More Than They Pay in Taxes
Tesla, Ford, Netflix and T-Mobile are among scores of profitable U.S. firms that pay their top executives more than they pay in federal taxes. It’s a system that rewards the super rich and punishes the rest of us.
Sarah Anderson, William Rice and Zachary Tashman