Sonali Kolhatkar is the founder, host and executive producer of Rising Up With Sonali,” a television and radio show that airs on Free Speech TV and Pacifica stations. She is a writing fellow for the Economy for Allproject at the Independent Media Institute.

ViewpointElection 2024
A Missed Opportunity for Kamala Harris at the DNC
In her acceptance speech, Harris chose to embrace Republican language on the economy—even if she backs a more progressive approach.
Sonali Kolhatkar
The Grave Cost of Funding Israel's War Machine
To end U.S. support for Israel’s genocide in Gaza, cold, hard calculations about war spending versus domestic programs could have greater resonance in an election year.
Sonali Kolhatkar
Trump’s Conviction Doesn’t Change the Fact That the Criminal Justice System Is Rigged In Favor of Rich Elites
The conviction of Donald Trump is not proof that the criminal justice system works—it was simply never intended to ensnare people like him.
Sonali Kolhatkar
Corporations Have Very Good Reasons to Break Labor Laws and Bust Unions
Workers at companies like Apple and Starbucks face armies of union-busting lawyers advising employers to repeatedly violate labor laws.
Sonali Kolhatkar
Trump Plans to Make His Massive Tax Cuts for the Rich and Corporations Permanent
The 2024 election will help decide whether the U.S. extends provisions of the Trump tax cuts, which allow the wealthy to steal from the public.
Sonali Kolhatkar
The U.S. Should Put Price Controls on All Drugs
Pharmaceutical companies are resisting public scrutiny and suing over modest drug price regulations. It’s past time to regulate their profiteering.
Sonali Kolhatkar
It's Time to Choose: Democracy, or Billionaires?
The only way to steer American democracy to safety is to wrest money out of the claws of the wealthiest elites, who now control finances rivaling the economies of whole nations.
Sonali Kolhatkar
We Can Solve Homelessness (If We Want To)
Our economic priorities have created a serious housing crisis and fueled homelessness. Solving the problem simply requires us to change our priorities from profits to people.
Sonali Kolhatkar
Republicans Are Now Trying to Defund the Libraries
Claiming to protect children, Republicans are going after libraries and librarians instead of the police, gun manufacturers, and actual child sexual abusers.
Sonali Kolhatkar
Rolling Back a Century of Progress, Republicans Are Reviving Child Labor
It might seem unimaginable that we're backsliding into the era of exploiting child labor. But that’s precisely what the GOP appears to be doing.
Sonali Kolhatkar
The Supreme Court Needs Term Limits. Clarence Thomas Is Proof.
If Supreme Court justices can be bought by billionaires, lifetime terms only enable corruption.
Sonali Kolhatkar
Americans Still Want—And Need—Medicare for All
The number of uninsured Americans has dropped to an all-time low. But that fact obscures the failures of our patchwork, profit-driven healthcare system.
Sonali Kolhatkar
After a Record Year for Police Violence, Is It Finally Time to Defund the Police?
As law enforcement budgets have continued to increase, so have the number of killings by police officers. To reverse this trend, funding could be reallocated to social programs, as racial justice advocates have long called for.
Sonali Kolhatkar
The U.S. Finally Found a Way to Reduce Child Poverty. Why Are Some Democrats Opposed?
While the expanded child tax credit has been a win-win for families and the economy, conservative Democrats in Congress are still finding ways to undermine it.
Sonali Kolhatkar