Sophonie Milande Joseph, MUP PhD is a visual artist and the Community Planner & Advocacy Coordinator within the Equitable Neighborhoods practice area at TakeRoot Justice, a community lawyering non-profit in New York City. Her current planning practice centers land use, healthy homes and public housing advocacy. Her research interests include environmental justice, transnational planning, and intersectional feminism. She uses conceptual photography and documentary filmmaking as methodological tools to conduct visual sociology. She currently serves on the board of BlackSpace, a Black urbanist collective of artists, planners, designers and architects that strive for environments that recognize, affirm, and amplify Black agency, discourse and thought. She is co-author of “Haitian Women’s Experiences of Recovery from Hurricane Matthew” (2017), and the lead author of “Trust and Hometown Associations in Haitian Post-Earthquake Reconstruction (2018). Her writing has appeared in International Migration and Zoning for the 21st Century. She is an Adjunct Associate Professor within the Graduate Center for Planning and the Environment at Pratt Institute’s School of Architecture in Brooklyn, NY.