
Death of a Hacktivist
A new documentary on Aaron Swartz.
Patricia Aufderheide
Dimwits and the Dark Ages
Pervasive sexual violence has become a black eye for HBO's popular Game of Thrones series.
Katherine Don
Mansplaining, Explained
How Rebecca Solnit articulated a millennia-old phenomenon.
Jude Ellison Sady Doyle
The Ambiguities of Care
As they grow older, women may find themselves once again enlisted as unpaid caretakers.
Jane Miller
Is Harmon’s ‘Community’ Really Back in Harmony?
The season that followed creator Dan Harmon's return was more about him than about anything else.
Jude Ellison Sady Doyle
A Cubicle of One’s Own
Nikil Saval's new book, Cubed, shows us the future of the workplace.
Chris Lehmann
Nymphomaniac: Lars Von Trier’s Masturbatory Fantasy
The two-part film feels like the work of teenage boy.
Michael Atkinson
The Minor Leagues’ Major Malfunction
Curt Flood's landmark antitrust suit transformed the Major League, but the Minor League is still bound by archaic rules.
Chris Lehmann
‘Game of Thrones’ Could Have Been Much Worse
HBO's hit series is making the best of its heavy-handed source material.
Jude Ellison Sady Doyle
Judges Blind To Justice
Matt Taibbi's new book, The Divide, illuminates the corruption in our courtrooms.
Moe Tkacik
Clever Girls
'Men or books?' These could be mutually exclusive choices for young women in 1950s Europe, as two new novels show.
Jane Miller
For Cambodian Documentarians, a Conundrum
How do you show the past when the Khmer Rouge torched all traces?
Michael Atkinson
The New York Lottery, Now Kid-Friendly?
A new ad blitz makes deceptive claims.
Matthew Vaz
The Perils of Reading While Female
Alienated by sexism in 'Great Books' (cough, Kerouac), some women create a secret canon.
Jude Ellison Sady Doyle
How Will We Remember the First World War?
The centenary of the Great War has sparked some ugly debates in the U.K.
Jane Miller
Let the Witness Speak
In Claude Lanzmann's new Holocaust documentary The Last of the Unjust, the line between right and wrong blurs.
Michael Atkinson
Faux Vox Populi
Will Obama's promises to fix inequality turn out to be as hollow as Clinton's were?
Chris Lehmann
Design And Punishment
Should architects draft more humane prisons?
Charlotte Silver
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