Inside ITT

Cover StoryInvestigationGoodman Institute
The Young Miners Dying of “An Old Man’s Disease”
Black lung is completely preventable. And it's on the rise again.
Kim Kelly
“Chicago Is Leading the Way in Advancing a Real Political Alternative”
Brandon Johnson was inaugurated as Chicago mayor on Monday. What makes the Chicago working-class movement that elected him so different is its willingness to wage audacious fights over protecting and expanding public goods that seem unwinnable.
Micah Uetricht
Can Mayor Brandon Johnson Create a Green New Deal for Chicago?
Johnson ran on a promise to make environmental justice central to policy making. Now that he’s in office, organizers expect him to deliver.
Kari Lydersen
Last Year Was the Deadliest for Palestinians in the West Bank in Almost Two Decades. This Year Could Be Worse.
“People are running out of graves, they’re running out of space to bury people.”
Michael Veronda Hazou
The Specter of a Second Nakba
The violence during Ramadan underscores how Israel's aggressive policies aim to humiliate Palestinians and threaten their existence.
Jehad Abusalim
How Chicago’s Working-Class Movement Elected Mayor Brandon Johnson
In a conversation with Jacobin, Chicago Teachers Union president Stacy Davis Gates, city councilor Carlos Rosa, and editor and organizer Alex Han discuss how Chicago’s working-class movement elected one of its own as mayor and where that movement goes now.
Micah Uetricht
Helen Gym Has Won Big for Working People
Critics claim that Helen Gym has no track record of tangible accomplishments. That couldn’t be further from the truth.
David I. Backer
Writers Are More Powerful Than the Streaming Industry
“If we turn this career into a gig, into a hobby, the people who are going to be able to do it are the people who have generational wealth and privilege and are just doing this for fun.”
Maximillian Alvarez
The WGA Strike Is More Than an Issue of Pay—it’s Part of the Battle for Diversity and Inclusion in Hollywood
For the first time in 15 years, 11,500 members of the Writers Guild of America went on strike May 2, mostly asking for higher pay and better employment terms. But that’s not the end of the story.
Jireh Deng
Police Unions Are Spitting in the Face of Solidarity
A Florida anti-union bill reminds us why we need to kick cops out of the labor movement.
Hamilton Nolan
Private Jets Are Dirty Luxuries for the Ultra Rich. Let’s Tax Them.
The private jet industry is destroying the climate and intensifying inequality. Rather than providing subsidies, we should tax the hell out of it.
Kalena Thomhave and Omar Ocampo
Airline Pilots in the U.S. Are Barreling Closer to a Possible Strike
American Airlines pilots have voted overwhelmingly to walk off the job over substandard working conditions—and pilots at Southwest are now conducting their own strike authorization vote.
Jeff Schuhrke
How Right-Wing Media Fuels Transphobic Violence
Kayla Denker, a trans woman, war veteran, and legal gun owner, posted a video online toting a gun in response to CPAC’s call to “eradicate” “transgenderism.” She’s become a target of an internet trans panic mob ever since.
Maximillian Alvarez
My Great-Uncle Was Shot at the Memorial Day Massacre. Why Was This Working Class History Silenced?
In 1937, police killed striking steel workers in Chicago, but the story behind the tragedy was repressed. No more.
Carol Quirke
Sabotage for the Planet?
A review of the "cool heist film" How to Blow Up a Pipeline.
Daniel Schindel
This Season’s Hottest Trend: Anti-Consumption
Deinfluencers are inviting us to consume less—is it just a fad?
In These Times Editors
"The Companies Have Broken This Business": Hollywood Writers Begin Strike
Over 11,000 members of the Writers Guild of America went on strike Tuesday, demanding fair compensation and employment guarantees from major studios and streaming giants.
Jon Queally
Democrats Shouldn’t Fall for McCarthy’s Debt Limit Ransom Attempt
Republicans are threatening to tank the global economy if President Biden doesn’t agree to slash spending on social welfare programs. It’s a trap.
Max B. Sawicky
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