Israel & Palestine

LaborIsrael & Palestine
We Can’t Let the Press Launder Israel’s War
A coalition of movement journalism organizations has come together to form Media Against Apartheid and Displacement, which sets out to uplift urgent reporting on the genocide.
Lara Witt and Maya Schenwar
ViewpointIsrael & Palestine
Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz: We Must Understand Israel as a Settler-Colonial State
"Just as the U.S. celebrates itself as 'a nation of immigrants,' Zionists celebrated Palestine as a land without people for a people without land."
Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz
Two state police troopers hold down two protestors on the grass at Indiana University while several other swat team members look on.
FeatureIsrael & PalestineElection 2024
The Crackdown on Campus Protests is Just Beginning
At least a dozen colleges and universities have changed their policies to make it harder to protest the war on Gaza. More may follow this summer.
Adam Federman
LaborViewpointIsrael & Palestine
Students, Gaza and a New Vision of Safety
"We Keep Us Safe" is more than a slogan at student encampments. It inspires an avenue to protection and community that undercuts a security state bolstered by genocide—and can show us all a path forward.
Sarah Jaffe
Israel & Palestine
The Sanctuary Movement Put U.S. Foreign Policy on Trial
What can it teach our movements today?
Natascha Elena Uhlmann
Israel & PalestineDispatch
Every Single Day, Biden Chooses to Continue Funding Genocide
Scenes from the Debt Collective's “Fund Education, Not Genocide” Rally in Washington, D.C.
Natascha Elena Uhlmann
ViewpointIsrael & Palestine
Gaza Has Exposed Journalistic and Academic “Neutrality” as the Conservative Deflection It Always Was
After Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, elite liberal institutions had no problem picking a side. After 37,000 Palestinians are killed by Israel—things are now more complicated.
Adam Johnson
Israel & PalestineInvestigation
The Corporate Power Brokers Behind AIPAC’s War on the Squad
An In These Times investigation reveals the individuals behind AIPAC's election war chest: nearly 60% are CEOs and other top executives at the country's largest corporations.
Branko Marcetic
ViewpointIsrael & Palestine
Biden’s Bloody-Red Line in Rafah
Israel’s horrific attack on displaced Palestinians in Rafah comes as the Biden administration is facing increasing global isolation over its support for the assault on Gaza.
Phyllis Bennis
LaborIsrael & Palestine
In an Historic Show of Labor Solidarity with Palestine, UAW Local 4811's Stand-up Strike Grows by 12,000
The academic workers at UCLA and UC Davis will join 2,000 already on strike at UC Santa Cruz.
Hannah Bowlus
Israel & Palestine
New Poll Shows Biden Risking 20% of Voters in Key Battleground States
“We found that across all five states, a critical margin of voters—roughly one in five [or more]—are less likely to vote for Biden on account of his handling of the war in Gaza.”
Christina Lieffring
ViewpointIsrael & Palestine
Education in Gaza Has Been Decimated, but the Spirit of Refaat Alareer Will Prevail
The student encampments and other protests like the "Fund Education, Not Genocide" rally in Washington D.C. this week are the expressions of solidarity and activism we need.
Yousef Aljamal
Israel & PalestineInterview
"This Is in the Spirit of Our Tradition": The First Jewish Biden Appointee Resigns Over Gaza
"It's time for us to stand up against what is happening to Palestinians in our name," Lily Greenberg Call says in an interview with In These Times.
Ari Bloomekatz
Israel & Palestine
“We Are Going to Rally an Army”: Christian Zionists and Far-Right Zealots Are Actually Trying to Take Over Colleges
Aidan Orly
ViewpointIsrael & PalestineElection 2024
Antifascism After Gaza
Genocide abroad—and growing political repression at home—prove that the “fascism question” goes far beyond Trump.
Alberto Toscano
ViewpointIsrael & PalestineInterview
“It's a Statement About Who the University Belongs to”
A roundtable about resistance to privatization and the corporate governance of universities with Eman Abdelhadi (Univ. of Chicago), Calvin John Smiley (Hunter), Layla Hedroug (Yale), Owen Levens (DePaul), and an organizer from National Students for Justice in Palestine.
Nashwa Bawab
Israel & Palestine
"Not Mere Pixels on a Screen": What Chicago's Student Encampments Actually Look Like
Select images from one of Chicago's movement photographers of student encampments at the University of Chicago, Northwestern University, DePaul University and School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
Mamiran Nessa, a Bengali Muslim woman, spent 10 years in detention after the Indian government refused her proof of long-standing citizenship. She now lives on a river island rapidly eroding because of climate change.
FeatureIsrael & PalestineInvestigationGoodman Institute
Hindu Nationalists Are Taking Notes—and Tech Support—From the Israeli Right
The state of Assam has become a laboratory of ethnonationalism, with warning signs of genocide ahead.
Ankur Singh
ViewpointIsrael & Palestine
Sunday's Rally in New York Is Just About Israeli Hostages—that's Not OK
"I cannot call for the release of the hostages without an explicit demand for an immediate cease-fire and an end to the Israeli assault on Gaza."
Ellen Lippmann
Israel & Palestine
50,000 "Uninstructed" Wisconsin Voters Send Biden Clear Message to End Genocide
Tuesday's primaries in Wisconsin, New York and Connecticut showed there is such strong disapproval of Biden's support for the Israeli assault on Gaza that it could cost him the general election.
Christina Lieffring
Israel & PalestineInterview
“This Is a Movement of Hope": Wisconsin's Uninstructed Campaign Has Momentum
The Uncommitted national movement has reached Wisconsin, perhaps the most critical swing state in the country, for the April 2 primary. To learn more, In These Times interviewed Wisconsin organizers Reema Ahmad and Kyle Johnson, as well as elected officials Francesca Hong and Ryan Clancy.
Riley Roliff
LaborViewpointIsrael & Palestine
Labor's 2024 Political Dilemma
Biden’s support for the genocide is indefensible, but we still need him to win.
Rand Wilson and Peter Olney
Israel & PalestineCulture
The Protest Song the IDF Tried to Silence
More than 40 years after the master copy was seized by Israeli forces, Zeinab Shaath's “The Urgent Call of Palestine” will be reissued on March 26.
Iman Husain
A child sits sideways looking through a torn canvas wall.
Israel & Palestine
Defunding UNRWA Was Never About Hamas
The refugee agency is a reminder that Palestinian refugees exist and have inalienable political rights—a truth the Israeli government finds deeply inconvenient.
Yousef Aljamal
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