Israel & Palestine

Celebrated Palestinian Poet Mosab Abu Toha Reportedly Seized in Gaza
One may wonder why Israel would kidnap a poet. The answer, though painful, is simple. In its genocidal war against Palestinians, Israel seeks to erase not only Palestinian lives but also their culture and heritage.
Jehad Abusalim
Inside AIPAC’s Strategy to Back Israel’s Cheerleaders and Punish the Squad
The powerful lobby and allied groups have poured money into defeating candidates who voice any criticism of Israel. Amid calls for a cease-fire in Israel’s war on Gaza, they’re back at it again.
Naomi LaChance
Hundreds of protestors kneel on the ground in prayer, and fill the image kneeling shoulder to shoulder. Some are wearing keffiyehs, and a Palestinian flag is on the ground at the forefront of the picture.
The Largest Pro-Palestinian Protest in U.S. History Was "A Turning Point." Now It's Spreading.
"Felt like this was a new wave or a turning point in the struggle for Palestine.”
Henry Hicks IV
Letter From Gaza: "Birdsong One Minute, Missiles the Next"
"We live a bitter existence, facing the specter of death daily, under the weight of an unjust oppressor."
Eman Ashraf Alhaj Ali
Biden’s Unflinching Support for Israel’s War on Gaza Is Derailing His Reelection Chances
As the horrifying human toll in Gaza escalates, voters are calling on the president to call for a ceasefire. He ignores them at his own peril.
Peter Certo
"I Want American Workers to Be United to Make the Occupation Costly, to Make the Israeli Apartheid Costly."
Palestinian activist Issa Amro calls on U.S. workers to fight for for justice and an end to the occupation.
Maximillian Alvarez
Democrats Cannot "Have Double Standards": An Interview With State Rep. Abdelnasser Rashid
Rashid, the first Palestinian in the Illinois General Assembly, talks with Nashwa Bawab about Gaza, Biden, Wadea Al-Fayoume, and the settler attack on his childhood home of Turmusaya.
Nashwa Bawab
The Next Target for Protests Against Israel: Ports
Hundreds of protesters took action at ports in Oakland and Tacoma to try and stop the Cape Orlando's progress. Meanwhile, dockworkers in Barcelona called for a cease-fire and announced they would not work on ships carrying weapons.
Kim Kelly
Here are 3 Ways the U.S. Media Tries to Justify Israel’s Attacks on Civilians in Gaza
From the use of terms such as “human shields,” “terror tunnels” and “Hamas strongholds,” media outlets are covering for Israel’s devastating bombing campaign on Palestinians.
Adam Johnson
"We Need Eyes on Us for Protection": Unhinged, Murderous Settlers Terrorize Palestinians in the South Hebron Hills
As Gaza faces genocide, extremist settlers in the West Bank are running rampant. One Youth of Sumud activist says: “The Israeli settler militias benefit from this state of war, they are the ones who are ruling this area."
Ryah Aqel
The AFL-CIO Squashed a Council's Cease-Fire Resolution. What Does It Say About Labor Right Now?
The move illustrates larger dynamics currently at play within the U.S. labor movement as the assault on Gaza rages on. While some unions and labor activists are advocating for an immediate end to the onslaught, most officials are keeping quiet.
Jeff Schuhrke
President Biden sits at a desk in profile behind a translucent glass door.
“Unprecedented” Loophole Will Obscure Arms Sales to Israel
The Ukraine-Israel aid bill effectively lets Israel purchase $3.5 billion in arms in complete secrecy.
Janet Abou-Elias, Lillian Mauldin, Mekedas Belayneh, Rosie Khan, Liv Owens and Women for Weapons Trade Transparency
There Is Hope—and a Growing Movement for Palestine. Join Us in Washington D.C. on Saturday.
The time is now for people from all walks of life to raise their voices and demand Biden call for a cease-fire and for the United States to stop funding war and oppression.
Nashwa Bawab
“I Am Done Voting for the Lesser of Two Evils. I Will Not Vote for Joe Biden in 2024.”
Unless Biden drastically reverses course on Palestine, Muslims will not turn out for him on Election Day—critical voters in key swing states—and Democrats only have themselves to blame.
Saqib Bhatti
“I Was Sent Here to Fight for Shared Humanity”: Rep. Delia Ramirez on Why She Backs a Cease-Fire in Israel and Palestine
In These Times Executive Editor Ari Bloomekatz and Rep. Delia Ramirez (D-Ill.) discuss the urgency of a cease-fire, a progressive approach to foreign policy, and why Marjorie Taylor Greene poses such a threat to everyday Americans.
Ari Bloomekatz and Delia Ramirez
The Growing Jewish Resistance to Israel’s War on Palestine
Jewish socialists and progressives in the U.S. are organizing to say that “never again” means never again for anyone.
Mindy Isser
“We Need You to Stand Up”: Bernie Sanders’ Former Staffers Call on Him to Back Cease-Fire in Palestine and Israel
Hundreds of former staffers of the democratic socialist senator have signed a letter urging him to back a peaceful resolution to the war in Palestine.
Eloise Goldsmith
The Democratic Party Has an Israel Problem. These Progressives Are Trying to Solve It.
As the brutal attacks on Gaza continue, cracks are beginning to show in the Democratic Party’s unequivocal fealty to Israel.
Daphna Thier
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