
The Next Target for Protests Against Israel: Ports
Hundreds of protesters took action at ports in Oakland and Tacoma to try and stop the Cape Orlando's progress. Meanwhile, dockworkers in Barcelona called for a cease-fire and announced they would not work on ships carrying weapons.
Kim Kelly
The AFL-CIO Squashed a Council's Cease-Fire Resolution. What Does It Say About Labor Right Now?
The move illustrates larger dynamics currently at play within the U.S. labor movement as the assault on Gaza rages on. While some unions and labor activists are advocating for an immediate end to the onslaught, most officials are keeping quiet.
Jeff Schuhrke
“What Could We Win Together?” Labor in Minnesota Gears up for a Major Escalation
With a string of contracts expiring in the new year, Minnesota unions and community groups are gathering to unite around a strategy for a cleaner environment and better jobs, housing and schools.
Isabela Escalona and Amie Stager
The UAW Has Now Reached a Tentative Agreement With Each of the Big Three
The deal with General Motors, the last of the major U.S. automakers to settle, could put an end to the union's historic Stand-Up Strike. But now it's up to the members.
Jake Johnson
“It Kind of Feels Like Prison”: Injured, Burned Out and Under Surveillance at Amazon
More than 40% of Amazon workers get injured on the job, according to a new report. The company says they are “industrial athletes.”
Katrina Pham
Here’s What UAW Workers Won in a “Historic” TA After Striking at Ford
After more than a month on the picket line, autoworkers have reached a tentative agreement with Ford including massive wage increases, cost of living adjustments and the right to strike over plant closures. Now the deal goes to the membership, while strikes continue at GM and Stellantis.
Jeff Schuhrke
UAW and Ford Announce Tentative Deal
The tentative deal between the UAW and Ford would end the strike against one of the mammoth automakers making up The Big Three, according to the union.
Ari Bloomekatz
UAW Strikes Two Major Plants This Week Including "The Most Profitable Auto Plant in the World”
The latest strikes at General Motors and Stellantis bring the total number of United Auto Workers members on strike to some 46,000.
Keith Brower Brown
Starbucks Is Exploiting the Violence in Gaza and Israel to Attack Its Union
The president of Workers United writes that Starbucks is endangering its own employees and appears to even endorse a boycott of its own stores. “I am afraid,” said one worker. “My mom doesn’t want me to go to work.”
Lynne Fox
A group of protestors wearing all-black stand in the middle of a road. They hold a large black banner that says "CEASEFIRE" in white writing.
Unions and Workers Are Increasingly Demanding a Cease-Fire and an End to Gaza Siege
“The rising escalation of war and arms sales doesn't serve the interests of workers anywhere.”
Luis Feliz Leon and Alexandra Bradbury
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