
Norfolk Southern Won't Clean Up Their Mess Unless We Make Them
“Even early on, I knew it would not be safe to go back home.”
Maximillian Alvarez

The Labor Movement Just Scored One of Its Biggest Victories in the South This Century
In Georgia, 1,400 workers at a school bus manufacturer voted to join the United Steelworkers, marking a watershed union victory in the region.
Luis Feliz Leon

Rolling Back a Century of Progress, Republicans Are Reviving Child Labor
It might seem unimaginable that we're backsliding into the era of exploiting child labor. But that’s precisely what the GOP appears to be doing.
Sonali Kolhatkar

Southern Workers Are Building a Movement to be Reckoned With
“The South got something to say, workers here have something to say.”
Maximillian Alvarez

Minnesota Just Banned Captive Audience Meetings. Every State Should Follow Suit.
Minnesota just banned captive audience meetings, presumably understanding that it is unreasonable to force working people to attend mandatory meetings at which their boss delivers to them the equivalent of an Ayn Rand book reading.
Hamilton Nolan

Les travailleurs de Iowa peuvent-ils affronter le géant de la viande, Tyson?
Les travailleurs essentiels qui ont eu un éveil de conscience pour améliorer leurs conditions de vie pendant la pandémie se battent maintenant pour un syndicat.
Luis Feliz Leon

Starbucks Union Workers Have a New Strategy to Win a First Contract
After over a year of delays, workers are done waiting on Starbucks to bargain in good faith—so they’re calling the company’s bluff by holding regional in-person bargaining meetings.
Saurav Sarkar

A Nationwide UPS Strike Could Be Weeks Away
“[A strike] could capture the imagination of people who want a union, but want to join something that they feel is fighting for them.”
Teddy Ostrow and Ruby Walsh

The WGA Strike Is More Than an Issue of Pay—it’s Part of the Battle for Diversity and Inclusion in Hollywood
For the first time in 15 years, 11,500 members of the Writers Guild of America went on strike May 2, mostly asking for higher pay and better employment terms. But that’s not the end of the story.
Jireh Deng

Airline Pilots in the U.S. Are Barreling Closer to a Possible Strike
American Airlines pilots have voted overwhelmingly to walk off the job over substandard working conditions—and pilots at Southwest are now conducting their own strike authorization vote.
Jeff Schuhrke