Striking Alabama Miners Are Done Playing Nice
Hundreds of UMWA miners remain on the picket line at the Warrior Met Coal mine.
No Justice, No Italian Beef: Workers at Portillo’s Food Chain Walk Out on Strike
A group of non-unionized workers at the Chicago-based chain staged a week-long walk out, part of a growing wave of strikes in the area.
Jeff Schuhrke
The Uniquely Dangerous Work of Massage Therapy During a Pandemic
A massage therapist speaks out about the gross and unfair treatment she was forced to endure.
Maximillian Alvarez
Over Mayor Lightfoot’s Objections, Chicago Is Set to Finally Enact an Elected School Board
Despite some qualms with the legislation, public education advocates are cheering the embrace of school democracy over mayoral control.
Kari Lydersen
Joe Biden Says He Stands With Unions. This Is His Moment to Prove It.
The longest national nurses strike in over a decade could also be a "watershed moment" for Medicare for All.
Mark Dudzic and Rand Wilson
Score One for the Smithfield Workers of Sioux Falls
After suffering one of the worst workplace outbreaks of Covid-19 in the country last year, pork processors in South Dakota have secured a major labor victory.
Maximillian Alvarez
The Heat Wave Shows Climate Change Is a Workers' Rights Issue
The workers laboring outside in this extraordinary heat are on the front lines of the climate crisis.
Mindy Isser
AFL-CIO Reprimands Vermont Leader For General Strike Resolution, Saying It Could Have Given Trump "A Reason to Invoke Martial Law"
Read the full letter from AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka to the rebellious Vermont State Labor Council.
Hamilton Nolan
Shrugging Off Anti-Union Campaign, New York Times Tech Workers See a Chance to Make History
Times workers plan to ride the media union wave right onto a bigger wave of tech organizing.
Hamilton Nolan
For Farmworkers, the Fight for the 8-Hour Day Isn’t Over
Federal labor laws exclude farmworkers from overtime pay and other protections. After years of advocacy by farm labor groups, lawmakers in Oregon, Washington and Colorado are working to change that.
Alex Brown