
“Raid Happening Now”: Scenes from UChicago’s Popular University
“We are the encampment. We’ll be back.”
Eman Abdelhadi
Prioritizing Pleasure in our Movements
Embracing joy can give insight into the type of world we want to live in—and the motivation to work toward it.
J. Patrick Patterson
“It's a Statement About Who the University Belongs to”
A roundtable about resistance to privatization and the corporate governance of universities with Eman Abdelhadi (Univ. of Chicago), Calvin John Smiley (Hunter), Layla Hedroug (Yale), Owen Levens (DePaul), and an organizer from National Students for Justice in Palestine.
Nashwa Bawab
“Abhorrent and Barbarous”: The Crackdown on Campus Gaza Protests Faces Pushback
Progressives in Congress are demanding an end to the brutal police assaults on students protesting the U.S.-backed Israeli war on Gaza.
Jake Johnson
Mamiran Nessa, a Bengali Muslim woman, spent 10 years in detention after the Indian government refused her proof of long-standing citizenship. She now lives on a river island rapidly eroding because of climate change.
Hindu Nationalists Are Taking Notes—and Tech Support—From the Israeli Right
The state of Assam has become a laboratory of ethnonationalism, with warning signs of genocide ahead.
Ankur Singh
The Threats To U.S. Democracy Go Far Beyond Elections and the Courts
We need to do more than protect our elections. Getting money out of politics, repealing anti-dissent laws and ensuring more accountability from elected officials are equally important to democracy.
Basav Sen
The War on Protest Is Here
Political repression is on the rise as the state finds new ways to criminalize dissent and collective action.
Adam Federman
The Political Coalition the Left Needs to Win
"The situation is, without question, daunting. But there are signs of possibility all around us—and the future is ours for the taking."
Alex Han
Pessimism Is a Luxury We Can't Afford
The fights ahead are daunting—but the world is ours to win.
Dayton Martindale
Democratic Socialists of America Is Helping Rebuild the U.S. Anti-War Movement
Despite recent public resignations from some longtime members who disagree with the organization’s work and positions supporting Palestinian freedom, DSA is growing—and building coalitions across the U.S. Left.
Daphna Thier
The UAW Just Challenged the Entire Labor Movement to Get More Ambitious
The United Auto Workers announced a new campaign to organize 150,000 new members at non-union shops. Every other major union should follow suit.
Hamilton Nolan
Striking a Chord for Change: The Poor People’s Campaign for Revolution
In an effort to record their first album of movement songs, the New York State chapter of the Poor People’s Campaign is tapping into an old organizing tradition with hopes of inspiring change.
Natascha Elena Uhlmann
Hundreds of people of different backgrounds stand shoulder to shoulder in a crowd.
The Right's Persecution of Palestine Supporters Looks a Lot Like a New Red Scare
Workers have been fired. Students have lost job offers. Activists have been harassed. But you can’t bully a movement into silence.
Nashwa Bawab
The Rise of the Far Right Is a Global Phenomenon
Facing a planetary wave of far-right authoritarianism, from Italy’s Giorgia Meloni to Argentina’s Javier Milei, the Left must learn to “organize despair.”
Alberto Toscano
Hundreds of protestors kneel on the ground in prayer, and fill the image kneeling shoulder to shoulder. Some are wearing keffiyehs, and a Palestinian flag is on the ground at the forefront of the picture.
The Largest Pro-Palestinian Protest in U.S. History Was "A Turning Point." Now It's Spreading.
"Felt like this was a new wave or a turning point in the struggle for Palestine.”
Henry Hicks IV
The Growing Jewish Resistance to Israel’s War on Palestine
Jewish socialists and progressives in the U.S. are organizing to say that “never again” means never again for anyone.
Mindy Isser
How San Diego Built a Surveillance Apparatus Under the Guise of “Sustainability”
What started as a green infrastructure project quickly spiraled into a crisis of mass surveillance.
Jesse Marx
Depicted is an oil on canvas painting, where a mother is shown embracing her son. Her head leans to the right and lies on top of his, which leans to the left.
Art Against Occupation
Malak Mattar's London show examines the U.K.' s role in Palestinian colonization.
Matt A. Hanson
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