
It’s Too Hot to Keep Using Pesticides
Farm workers are being sickened by agrochemicals—and, due to extreme heat, by the PPE they wear to protect themselves.
Harrison Watson
This 20th Century Italian Marxist Offers Lessons for Today’s Social Movements
Antonio Gramsci’s political thinking and practical strategizing provide a set of ideas that have only grown more salient with time.
Mark Engler and Paul Engler
AI Could Be a Godsend for Accessing Public Benefits—Or a Nightmare
We stand on the verge of a technological transformation. We’ll need to work collectively to steer these advancements towards empowering those in need.
Jim Pugh
On Lizzo and Sex and Bananas, Oh My!
At the end of the day, the Lizzo story is not about sex: it’s about labor.
Yasmin Nair
Corporate Greed is a Moral Crisis. Working People Are Fighting Back.
Workers across the country are embracing their power in unprecedented ways. Many hope this “hot labor summer” is just the beginning.
Rosalyn Pelles and William J. Barber II
A New Idea for New Union Organizing
Unions don't organize enough people. Their structure is the problem.
Hamilton Nolan
Strikes Are a Tool to Claw Back Control Over Our Lives
This summer, Hollywood writers and actors are out on strike together for the first time in decades. Their demands go beyond wages and benefits—they’re challenging bosses’ authority to unilaterally decide what work looks like.
Nick French
The ADA is the Floor, Not the Ceiling—We Need More
As many celebrate the Americans with Disabilities Act this month, we must renew our struggle for the disability justice our communities need.
Kehsi Iman Wilson
It’s Time to Recalibrate the U.S. Alliance with South Korea
The armistice with North Korea—which marks its 70th anniversary on Thursday—was intended to prevent war, but now it’s only preventing peace. It's time to bring a formal end to the Korean War.
Christine Ahn
The #StopCopCity Movement Didn’t Lose
The Atlanta City Council—and the state more broadly—cannot define “loss” or “victory” for everyday people
Benji Hart
Women, including those with hijabs, shouting and making peace signs.
Sanctions Are an Act of War
Economic sanctions which claim to target authoritarian governments and wealthy profiteers of global conflicts only hurt innocent civilian populations.
Phyllis Bennis
We Can Solve Homelessness (If We Want To)
Our economic priorities have created a serious housing crisis and fueled homelessness. Solving the problem simply requires us to change our priorities from profits to people.
Sonali Kolhatkar
One Weird Trick to Help Solve the U.S. Housing Crisis
In a new book, Richard Kahlenberg explains that decades of arcane zoning regulations have led to our current system of high rents, restrictions on worker mobility, and racial and economic segregation.
Max B. Sawicky
Cop City and the Escalating War on Environmental Defenders
From laws targeting fossil fuel protests to the crackdown on Stop Cop City activists, corporations are calling in militarized law enforcement to crush dissent.
Basav Sen and Gabrielle Colchete
The Dystopian Future of U.S. Public Education Is On Display in Houston
The takeover of the Houston Independent School District by GOP officials is part of a broader attack on public education—but unions and community members are fighting back.
Jackie Anderson, Ruth Kravetz and Jay Malone
In Jenin, Palestinians Resist Against Israeli Helicopters And Drones
The largest Israeli military operation in Jenin since the Second Intifada spells what Israel has in store for Palestinians.
Jehad Abusalim
Remote Work Among the Issues at Play in CWA Election
At their national convention, communications workers are set to decide on a new president—and the future of work-from-home arrangements could be on the table.
Steve Early
We Can't Afford To Ignore Cop City
In These Times Executive Director Alex Han asks us to imagine a world where the needs of the people outweigh the powerful.
Alex Han
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