
Racial Capitalism Is in Real Peril This Time
The climate crisis is a hard one to buy your way out of.
Barbara Ransby

Socialism at the End of the End of History
Climate change and neoliberalism’s collapse have made the future uncertain. Socialists are faced with a dilemma: How to be ready to seize the moment when we don’t know when or what that moment will be?
Alex Han

The U.S. Says No to Affirmative Action—Until It's Time for War
The U.S. government values Black people when we serve in their wars, but not enough to invest in our education.
Kinjo Kiema

It's Up to Unions to Make the NLRB Matter
The regulatory climate for unions is good. Will they do anything with it?
Hamilton Nolan

Accountability Is Not a Pseudonym for a Cage: Chesa Boudin on Decarceration in our Lifetimes
The former San Francisco District Attorney on accountability, abolition, and the reality of San Francisco politics.
Avalon Edwards

Hearing: Don’t Cut Corners with Miners’ Safety
In West Virginia, a push for stronger regulations to fight the new epidemic of black lung afflicting Central Appalachian miners.
Kim Kelly

The Tragedy of Misunderstanding the Commons
Twelfth-century peasants developed commons practices to survive domination. We could use them to reclaim our lives from capitalism.
Steven Stoll

It’s Too Hot to Keep Using Pesticides
Farm workers are being sickened by agrochemicals—and, due to extreme heat, by the PPE they wear to protect themselves.
Harrison Watson

This 20th Century Italian Marxist Offers Lessons for Today’s Social Movements
Antonio Gramsci’s political thinking and practical strategizing provide a set of ideas that have only grown more salient with time.
Mark Engler and Paul Engler

AI Could Be a Godsend for Accessing Public Benefits—Or a Nightmare
We stand on the verge of a technological transformation. We’ll need to work collectively to steer these advancements towards empowering those in need.
Jim Pugh

On Lizzo and Sex and Bananas, Oh My!
At the end of the day, the Lizzo story is not about sex: it’s about labor.
Yasmin Nair

Corporate Greed is a Moral Crisis. Working People Are Fighting Back.
Workers across the country are embracing their power in unprecedented ways. Many hope this “hot labor summer” is just the beginning.
Rosalyn Pelles and William J. Barber II

A New Idea for New Union Organizing
Unions don't organize enough people. Their structure is the problem.
Hamilton Nolan

Strikes Are a Tool to Claw Back Control Over Our Lives
This summer, Hollywood writers and actors are out on strike together for the first time in decades. Their demands go beyond wages and benefits—they’re challenging bosses’ authority to unilaterally decide what work looks like.
Nick French

The ADA is the Floor, Not the Ceiling—We Need More
As many celebrate the Americans with Disabilities Act this month, we must renew our struggle for the disability justice our communities need.
Kehsi Iman Wilson

It’s Time to Recalibrate the U.S. Alliance with South Korea
The armistice with North Korea—which marks its 70th anniversary on Thursday—was intended to prevent war, but now it’s only preventing peace. It's time to bring a formal end to the Korean War.
Christine Ahn

The #StopCopCity Movement Didn’t Lose
The Atlanta City Council—and the state more broadly—cannot define “loss” or “victory” for everyday people
Benji Hart

Sanctions Are an Act of War
Economic sanctions which claim to target authoritarian governments and wealthy profiteers of global conflicts only hurt innocent civilian populations.
Phyllis Bennis