Stop Cowering Before This Half-Bright Florida Fascist
Ron DeSantis wants to break the unions and make a temporary advantage permanent.
Hamilton Nolan
After a Record Year for Police Violence, Is It Finally Time to Defund the Police?
As law enforcement budgets have continued to increase, so have the number of killings by police officers. To reverse this trend, funding could be reallocated to social programs, as racial justice advocates have long called for.
Sonali Kolhatkar
Milton Friedman Set Us Up for a 21st Century Version of Fascism
In 2023, market fundamentalism is fostering authoritarianism—in the United States and abroad.
Joseph Stiglitz
Strikes Are Stronger Than Laws
There's a simple reason why the government can't win unless you let it.
Hamilton Nolan
Nurses Set To Strike Against New York City’s Healthcare Monopolies
Decades of mergers and acquisitions have turned New York’s hospitals into profit-oriented corporations. Nurses are fighting to change that.
Michael Lighty
If You Can Borrow a Book, Then Why Not a Chainsaw? The Rise of Tool Lending Libraries
Spawned in the wake of World War II, tool libraries lend implements and provide practical guidance to community members who can’t afford to own or store their own tools.
Aric Sleeper
Military Budget Hike for 2023 is 3,200 Times the NLRB Increase
If a budget reveals what we value, this one should give us pause: extravagant spending for the war machine, scraps for workers.
Amy Livingston and Sarah Lazare
Título 42 fue un desastre. Lo que sigue no se ve mucho mejor.
La terminación ordenada por la corte del Título 42 marca un paso importante hacia la restauración del acceso a las protecciones humanitarias en la frontera. Pero la administración de Biden debe hacer más para luchar contra el legado racista del programa.
Azadeh Shahshahani y Chiraayu Gosrani
Title 42 Was a Disaster. What’s Next Doesn’t Look Much Better.
The court-ordered termination of Title 42 marks an important step toward restoring access to humanitarian protections at the border. But the Biden administration must do more to fight the program's racist legacy.
Chiraayu Gosrani and Azadeh Shahshahani
The Republican Party’s Plan to Fight Inflation Is a Sham
Republicans don’t have a strategy to lower costs for consumers, but they are plotting to slash the safety net.
Max B. Sawicky
Inflation Misinformation
Inflation myths only benefit the rich.
Rick Perlstein
Crypto Predators Wage Class War with a Smile
The cryptocurrency bubble reveals the emperor’s new grift.
Hamilton Nolan
Oil Companies Have Plundered Louisiana's Coast. They Owe Us Reparations.
Native and Black communities suffering the most from coastal damage need reparations for past abuse while we fight for systemic change.
Courtney Naquin
To Make Debt Relief a Reality, We’ll Need to Reform the Supreme Court
The legal hurdles facing Biden’s student loan cancellation plan underscore the need to overhaul our democracy—and make debt relief universal.
Scott Remer
Ranked Choice Voting Won the Midterms
More than 15 million people now have access to ranked elections, and that number is only growing
David Daley
The Greenwashing Scam Behind COP27’s Flop
This year’s UN climate conference offered some reason to celebrate. But the growing clout of the “carbon capture” industry is hindering urgent efforts to clamp down on fossil fuels.
Basav Sen
The “Labor Shortage” Is Being Used as a Pretext to Harm Workers
Lawmakers and bosses are citing a supposed lack of workers as justification for a suite of reactionary policies aimed at further squeezing the working class.
Sarah Lazare
The Left Has a Lot to Celebrate After the Surprising Midterm Results
After the midterm elections, more left-wing insurgents are going to the House, Bernie Sanders has two strong allies in the Senate and progressive ballot measures passed everywhere.
Branko Marcetic