
A woman protester shouts into a large megaphone in the foreground. A few older protesters stand behind her with signs reading "Gaza love," "Abandon Biden--ceasefire now" and have flower and peace sign imagery.
The Left Are the Adults in the Room
Progressives have earned the party's ear at the Democratic National Convention—here's how to use it.
Osita Nwanevu
Trump, Vance and the Right-Wing Counter-Revolutionaries
The Right’s perennial call for ​“order” doesn’t necessarily mean affirming the existing order.
Matt McManus
Trump’s Anti-Immigrant Claims on Healthcare Aren’t Just Xenophobic—They’re False
Far from draining the nation’s healthcare coffers, immigrants are actually shoring them up. But that reality is inconvenient for Republicans.
Adam Gaffney
Project 2025 Is Dead. Long Live Project 2025.
Trump, Vance and the hateful horizons of “trad futurism.”
Sarah Riccardi-Swartz
Kamala Harris’s Veep List is a Choice Between the Past and the Present for Education
VP contender Josh Shapiro has been a staunch supporter of school vouchers. Voters want good public schools—and a vice president willing to fight for them.
Akil Vicks
875,000 Veterans, $382 Million in Medical Debt
When you’re 72 years old, disabled and a $108,094 notice lands in your mailbox—along with the number for a veterans suicide hotline.
Rory Fanning
Unions Demanding an End to Israel Military Aid Is a Welcome Escalation
While the Biden administration uses rhetorical tricks and delay tactics, labor unions are pressuring the White House to end the war by embracing an increasingly popular demand: “not one more bomb.”
Adam Johnson
J.D. Vance’s Appalachian Graveyard
The Republican VP nominee’s politics of blame were never meant to help the working class.
Elizabeth Catte
Utah’s Development Plans Threaten My Navajo Homeland
Tribes came together to win federal protection for Bears Ears. Now, the state of Utah could undermine the monument.
Mark Maryboy
An Untold History of Joe Biden's Support for Israel
Documents reviewed in Delaware and New York give insight into how, starting early in Biden's political career, his positions appear to have significantly changed as his relationships strengthened with a growing pro-Israel lobby.
Branko Marcetic
The Congressional Black Caucus Should Boycott Netanyahu's Speech to Congress
Many Black members of Congress boycotted Netanyahu’s speech to Congress in 2015. They should do it again to protest the Israeli-led genocide in Gaza.
Khury Petersen-Smith
Biden, Harris, Gaza and the Student Debt Smoke Screen
President Biden has made appearances to be aligned with left-wing activists on student debt cancelation while holding back on his power to deliver it. How will Vice President Harris now approach the issue?
Braxton Brewington and Yousef Aljamal
The Future of Housing Organizing: Tenant Unions
The only answer to our housing crises is collective action. A growing movement of tenant unions promises a new front in the struggle for our homes.
Rose Lenehan and Tara Raghuveer
Teamsters President Happily Walks Into Republican Trap
Teamsters President Sean O'Brien played into Republicans’ phony pro-worker rebrand that was on display at the Republican National Convention.
Alexandra Bradbury
What the Left Needs From the Post-Biden Democrats
From demanding an end to the war on Gaza to a stronger labor movement, now is the time for the U.S. Left to make its voice heard.
Hamilton Nolan
A Scab Running for President Calls for Firing UAW President Shawn Fain
“Don’t get played by this scab billionaire,” Fain, president of the United Auto Workers, said in response to Donald Trump. “Stand up and fight for more.”
Luis Feliz Leon
There’s No Good Reason To Be Spending Nearly $1 Trillion On Our Military Budget
Congress is spending on the military like it’s World War III. Diverting that money to jobs, healthcare, and the climate would make us far safer.
Lindsay Koshgarian
The Best Counter to Project 2025 Is a Progressive Project 2025
If President Biden—or any Democratic replacement—wants to get back in the race, they need a positive moral vision to run on, not just dire warnings.
Adam Johnson
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