
The Budget Reconciliation Fight Isn't Really About Progressives Vs. Moderates
Don’t believe misleading media coverage of the standoff in Congress. Here’s what’s actually going on.
Max B. Sawicky
Democratic Socialists of America Make a Strategy for the Biden Era
Delegates chart a socialist future at DSA's 2021 virtual convention.
Roger Kerson
Massachusetts May Become First State to Send Money to Low-Income Countries to Deal With Climate Change
A groundbreaking bill would provide funding from U.S. residents to help developing nations respond to the climate crisis.
Rachel M. Cohen
The Filibuster Is Now the Only Thing Standing In the Way of Voting Rights
The new Freedom to Vote Act is backed by the entire Democratic caucus. But with full Republican opposition, passing it will require changing or abolishing the filibuster.
Jessica Corbett
The War on Terror Gave Us Donald Trump
In an interview, Reign of Terror author Spencer Ackerman explains how the brutal legacy of America’s post-9/11 wars has reshaped U.S. society and led to our era of authoritarian demagoguery.
Micah Uetricht
Progressives Now Hold the Cards in Congress
The budget standoff revealed a new power balance in the Democratic Party.
Nick Vachon
Billionaires Need to Get on Board With More Taxes or Expect the Pitchforks
The super-rich have made a killing off of the pandemic. It’s time to tax the hell out of them to pay for programs that serve the working class.
Miles Kampf-Lassin
The Infrastructure and Budget Bills Are a Watershed in U.S. Economic Doctrine
Deficit demagogy has (finally) become a fringe position in American politics—just look at the massive bills moving through Congress.
Max B. Sawicky
Nina Turner’s Loss Holds Lessons for Future Left Candidates
A flood of dark money and establishment opposition helped sink Turner’s campaign—but progressive challengers can still win if they learn from the defeat while running on a redistributive platform.
Natalie Shure
Democrats Will Never Stop Triangulating Against Justice
Running against "defund the police" is both cowardly and wrong. Democratic leaders find that irresistible.
Hamilton Nolan
Congress and Biden Allowed the Eviction Ban to Expire, So Cori Bush and AOC Are Raising Hell
Members of the Squad are participating in a sit-in outside of the Capitol demanding that the House reconvene in order to restore the moratorium to protect millions of Americans from being evicted.
Jake Johnson
An Old Idea for a Guaranteed Income Is Back in Style
A new proposal for a negative income tax could eliminate poverty in the United States.
Max B. Sawicky
Is Gerrymandering Forever?
Gerrymandering guarantees undemocratic elections. Activists in Wisconsin are organizing to win an uphill battle for a fairer process.
Katjusa Cisar
The For the People Act Isn’t Dead
Don’t believe the pundits—there’s a growing grassroots movement to save American democracy and pass sweeping voting rights reform.
Mahnoor Imran and Adam Eichen
How the Potency of Social Wages Can Beat Back Neoliberalism
At the core of President Biden’s American Families Plan is an understanding that workers are paid too little in market wages and that government has a responsibility to change that.
Jack Metzgar
We Have a Jobs Crisis and an Environmental Crisis. The Answer to Both Is a Civilian Climate Corps.
From Bernie Sanders and AOC to the Sunrise Movement, progressives are working to establish an updated version of a New Deal program to meet the challenges of economic and climate upheaval. Its time has come.
Jeremy Mohler
Landlords Are Going to Take Away All Your Wage Gains
This is what happens when you treat housing as just another market.
Hamilton Nolan
Joe Biden Says He Stands With Unions. This Is His Moment to Prove It.
The longest national nurses strike in over a decade could also be a "watershed moment" for Medicare for All.
Mark Dudzic and Rand Wilson
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