Meet In These Times’ New Web Editor and Associate Editor: Jessica Stites
In These Times hires Jessica Stites as new web editor
The former associate editor of Ms. to guide the growth of
CHICAGO, JUNE 25—In These Times is excited to announce that Jessica Stites will be joining our staff as associate editor and web editor.
For the past six years, Jessica has been an editor at Ms., the nation’s foremost feminist magazine. Jessica, 29, graduated from Brown University in 2005 with a degree in Linguistic Anthropology. Prior to her time at Ms., Jessica worked as a research associate at the Rockridge Institute, a progressive think-tank founded by linguist George Lakoff. She will be relocating from Los Angeles to Chicago for the position.
At Ms., Jessica launched and co-edited the Ms. Blog, an outstanding source of news and analysis told through a feminist lens that is credited with increasing Ms.’ web traffic tenfold. Under Jessica’s guidance, the blog has published reporting on domestic issues such as the Occupy movement, nannies’ rights, net neutrality, living wage campaigns and marriage equality, as well as global news such as the Arab Spring, the Saudi women’s driving campaign, the Somalian famine and the Durban Climate Change Conference. Jessica also helped earn Ms. a place on Forbes’ “Top 100 Websites for Women” list and oversaw exponential growth in Ms.’ social media following.
At In These Times, Jessica will take over the role of previous Web Editor and Associate Editor Jeremy Gantz, who has taken a position working for the City Colleges of Chicago. We thank Jeremy for his four years of outstanding work at In These Times, where he was instrumental in expanding the website’s presence and traffic, in addition to editing Working In These Times, our workers’ rights blog, which is funded by a grant from the Public Welfare Foundation. Under Jessica’s leadership, we are confident Working In These Times will continue to make waves as the premier online source for labor news and analysis.
“We are thrilled that Jessica will be joining the In These Times staff,” says Editor & Publisher Joel Bleifuss. “Los Angeles’ loss will be Chicago’s gain. Her feminist perspective, in-depth web experience, verbal acuity and ever-present wit will serve the In These Times Community tremendously.”
“No one covers working people’s struggles for justice with the keenness and clarity of In These Times,” says Jessica. “It’s my privilege to join ITT’s team and amplify its incredible reporting online.
“If we want to change the world, our diverse movements need progressive media like In These Times to keep us informed, engaged and interlinked. And to do all that in these times, ITT must tap into the Internet’s potential to be a global People’s Mic.”
Jessica will start August 1.
For inquiries or to set up an interview with Jessica Stites, please contact Miles Kampf-Lassin at (773) 772-0100 x224 or by email at