The Wisconsin Idea

Texas and Florida, Defying CDC Guidance, Aren't Prioritizing Vaccination of Farmworkers
During the pandemic, farmworkers who keep food on grocery store shelves have had to choose between risking their lives and keeping their jobs.
Frank Hernandez
Adam Curtis Wants You To Imagine Another World
The British documentarian discusses his new film, 'Can’t Get You Out of My Head,' why progressives need to ditch the term “neoliberalism,” and more.
Jacob Sugarman
Democrats Can't Afford to Dilute Their $15 Minimum Wage Proposal
The wage increase in the Covid relief bill also applies to tipped workers and others making a subminimum wage. Democrats should fight tooth and nail to make it law.
s.e. smith
Republicans Are Using the Capitol Riot as a Trojan Horse to Target the Left
Since January 6, GOP lawmakers across the country have introduced a slew of anti-protest bills.
Branko Marcetic
As Sex Workers, We Know the “Equality Model” Is a Dangerous Mistake
It's time to reject carceral feminism and decriminalize consensual sex work.
Molly Simmons
The Gig Economy Is a Vampire That We Shouldn't Make Peace With
If organized labor doesn't hold the line on the principle that workers are employees, we'll all live to regret it.
Hamilton Nolan
DispatchRural America
Indigenous Water Protectors Face Off Against the “Pandemic Pipeline”
Biden halted Keystone XL, but Enbridge’s Line 3 would pipe the same tar sands oil into the U.S. and across Anishinaabe treaty lands.
Clara Liang
Could Biden's Climate Policy Invite More Militarism?
Climate change poses an existential threat. That doesn’t mean we should further empower an already bloated Pentagon.
Ashik Siddique
The Global South Faces a 'Vaccine Apartheid'
Just 10 nations have administered 75% of the vaccines worldwide. Countries like South Africa are being left behind.
Hadas Thier
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