The Wisconsin Idea

How Israeli Spyware Endangers Activists Across the Globe
Israeli surveillance technology is empowering antidemocratic governments to track journalists and human rights activists. Regulation is virtually nonexistent.
Antony Loewenstein

Robert Reich: Trump Won't Get a Civil War Over His Indictment
Donald Trump is as dangerous as ever, and is inciting violence. But the country is not going to war with itself over his own narcissistic cravings.
Robert Reich

How Worker Solidarity Propelled a Union Drive at the Country’s Richest University
Earlier this year, a year-long campaign to unionize 6,000 non-tenure-track workers at Harvard finally went public. A model of member-led organizing helped make it possible.
Dusty Christensen

Can the Teamsters Save Amazon From Itself?
Working at Amazon is a nightmare, some workers say. It doesn’t have to be.
Teddy Ostrow and Ruby Walsh

Workers Organize for Better Conditions After Air Quality Plummets
As smoke from Canadian wildfires blanketed much of the East Coast last week and air quality worsened, some workers organized to try and stay safe.
Paige Oamek and Rohan Montgomery

Cop City is Bad News for Working People
Kamau Franklin and Mariah Parker on the fight to stop Cop City in Atlanta.
Maximillian Alvarez

The Unions and Workers Supporting Cop City Protestors
“Cops are the first line of defense for business owners and employers, so I think it makes sense for labor to be opposed to Cop City.”
Sarah Lazare

Winning Is Only the Start: Jane McAlevey on Building Worker Power
Veteran organizer Jane McAlevey on the long-game of building union power through contract negotiations.
Paige Oamek

Biden Is Turning Out to Be More Like Obama Than FDR
After passing stimulus programs and promising a Roosevelt-like administration, President Biden and national Democrats are back to embracing austerity. We deserve better.
Scott Remer