The Wisconsin Idea

Joe Manchin Says He’s Pro-Job Creation, But He’s Lobbying the Fed to Increase Unemployment
Sen. Manchin has justified fossil fuel extraction because it “creates jobs.” He's also pushing a policy that would cut them.
Sarah Lazare
Beware the Copaganda Machine
Media portrayals of police as good-hearted heroes warp our collective view of reality. Don't trust them.
In These Times Editors
El plan de la Casa Blanca para detener la migración protege las ganancias empresariales—no a las personas
El plan sólo afianzará aún más las razones por las que la gente se va.
Brigitte Gynther and Azadeh Shahshahani
I Survived the Rig Explosion That Caused the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. This Is What I Saw.
It’s been 12 years since the oil spill caused by British Petroleum devastated the Gulf. A people’s history of this disaster has yet to be told.
Maximillian Alvarez
To Win in the Midterms, Democrats Should Go All In on Reviving the Child Tax Credit
The expanded Child Tax Credit was the most impactful anti-poverty program in a generation. Democrats should campaign on bringing it back.
Jim Pugh
Banning Congress From Trading Stocks Is Massively Popular. So Why Are Top Democrats Stalling?
While polling shows most Americans support banning lawmakers from trading stocks, legislation to do so has been delayed by House leadership.
Jessica Corbett
Rural America
The 40-Year Robbing of Rural America
Since the 1980s, says Professor Marc Edelman, financial capital has developed imaginative new ways to seize assets from small towns and rural areas.
Olivia Weeks
Why Nurses at This LGBTQ-Affirming Healthcare Provider Threatened to Strike
Workers at Howard Brown Health in Chicago are set to walk out next week after months of stalled negotiations.
Hannah Faris
Teachers and Other Unionists Are Joining Iran’s Gender Justice Uprising
As part of the nationwide protests in Iran, women union members are taking to the streets, saying: “we have nothing to lose but our lives.”
Alborz Ghandehari
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