The Wisconsin Idea

Cover Story
The COVID Public Health Emergency Declaration Has Ended. The Emergency Isn't Going Anywhere.
1,200 days in, the public health emergency comes to an end. Can the Left fight back?
Artie Vierkant & Beatrice Adler-Bolton

The Hard Head and Wild Heart of Barbara Ehrenreich
Revisiting Nickel and Dimed, Dancing in the Streets, and many more of the late author's groundbreaking books.
Sarah Jaffe

Q&A with Alex Han, New Executive Director of In These Times
Writer, activist and trade unionist Bill Fletcher Jr. puts our new executive director, Alex Han, in the hot seat.
Bill Fletcher, Jr. and Alex Han

Introducing the New Executive Director of In These Times
The magazine’s new leader is a political powerhouse.
Rick Perlstein

InvestigationGoodman Institute
German MPs Want Answers About Nord Stream
A bombshell report lands amid existing frustration and calls to release investigative findings.
Jeffrey Brodsky

After a Stunning Election, the Future of Chicago Is Up for Grabs
Incumbent Mayor Lori Lightfoot is out and voters now face a choice between former public school teacher Brandon Johnson and corporate education reformer Paul Vallas.
Kari Lydersen

Rail Workers of the World, Unite!
Railroad workers and union reps from the US, UK, and France discuss the class struggle in their respective countries and how these struggles are connected internationally in this special episode of the ‘Working People’ podcast.
Maximillian Alvarez

Peasant Wages for Lordly Feats
Medieval Times performers strike against dismal pay and hazardous conditions.
Emily Janakiram

As Russia Pulls Back From the Nuclear Treaty, The Fate of Humanity Hangs in the Balance
The fragility of the arms control treaty lays bare the need for nuclear abolition.
Frida Berrigan