The Wisconsin Idea

Frustrated With #GirlBoss Feminism? Look to Eastern European History
In Red Valkyries Kristen Ghodsee interrogates the false promise of liberal feminism.
Brianna Di Monda
The Remarkable and Entirely Underappreciated Achievements of the EPA
The Supreme Court is gutting an agency that has a measurable history of saving lives.
Branko Marcetic
Did This Supreme Court Just Issue a Progressive Ruling on Immigration? Sort Of.
The MPP ruling will bring immediate relief for migrants stuck in Mexico, but doesn't signal anything humane about the court.
Adrian Rennix
Why Socialists Shouldn’t Ignore the January 6 Hearings
Trump and his allies attempted to overturn democracy—and they’re likely to do it again. The Left should lead the charge to stop that effort.
David Duhalde
Radical Is Now Rational
When reality changes, only fools don't change with it.
Hamilton Nolan
Don’t Trust the Federal Reserve on Inflation
The Fed’s plan to curb inflation rests on punishing working people—when they’re the ones in need of relief.
Max B. Sawicky
The CIO Was One of the Most Successful Anti-Racism Movements in U.S. History
How industrial unionism laid the groundwork for today’s anti-racist struggles.
Michael Beyea Reagan
Women Are Taking Over the U.S. Labor Movement
The pandemic has created an opportunity for new movements in industries that haven’t organized before—movements also led by women.
Chabeli Carrazana, The 19th
Frontline Physicians in L.A. Can’t Pay Rent, So They Threatened to Strike
Medical residents and interns in LA County have kept their hospitals running while making minimum wage and struggling to pay rent. Then they overwhelmingly voted to strike and won big.
Maximillian Alvarez
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