
We Don't Have Time for Climate Symbolism
As we hurtle towards climate chaos, Democratic leaders remain all talk and no action on serious climate policy.
Mark Schlosberg
We Are Zoomers and We Want the PRO Act
Gen Z and Millennials are facing a bleak economic future. The answer is to massively expand union membership and democratize workplaces.
James Coleman and Nick Gonzalez
The For the People Act Isn’t Dead
Don’t believe the pundits—there’s a growing grassroots movement to save American democracy and pass sweeping voting rights reform.
Mahnoor Imran and Adam Eichen
BLM protesters marched on streets
Introducing the Movement for Black Lives Issue Takeover
Lessons on building collective power.
Barbara Ransby, Chinyere Tutashinda, Karissa Lewis, M Adams and Shanelle Matthews
Voter Suppression Is White Supremacy. It Must Be Stopped.
In recent years, down-ballot wins across the country have legalized marijuana, overturned Jim Crow-era election law, and hiked minimum wages. The GOP’s campaign to suppress the Black vote threatens wins like these.
Kayla Reed
Angela Harrelson, George Floyd’s aunt, speaks alongside family members at George Floyd Square on May 25, the anniversary of the day her nephew was murdered by police. Other members of Floyd’s family spent the day in Washington, D.C., meeting with President Joe Biden about the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act. Demonstrators across the country marked the day with rallies, memorials and continued calls to fight racial injustice.
The Future of the Movement for Black Lives
Urban rebellions blossomed into mass mobilization upon George Floyd's death. Now what?
M Adams
How the Potency of Social Wages Can Beat Back Neoliberalism
At the core of President Biden’s American Families Plan is an understanding that workers are paid too little in market wages and that government has a responsibility to change that.
Jack Metzgar
We Have a Jobs Crisis and an Environmental Crisis. The Answer to Both Is a Civilian Climate Corps.
From Bernie Sanders and AOC to the Sunrise Movement, progressives are working to establish an updated version of a New Deal program to meet the challenges of economic and climate upheaval. Its time has come.
Jeremy Mohler
Landlords Are Going to Take Away All Your Wage Gains
This is what happens when you treat housing as just another market.
Hamilton Nolan
U.S. Media Outlets Are Still Banging the Drums for the Afghanistan War
Major press outlets are trying to goad Biden into staying in Afghanistan.
Sarah Lazare
There Are No Mass Migrations Without U.S. Meddling and Militarism
Despite its pledges to aid Central America, the Biden administration continues to deny the United States' role in destabilizing the region.
Azadeh Shahshahani and Rhonda Ramiro
The Only Way to Stop the GOP’s Democracy Doom Loop
Republicans are on a warpath against voting rights. Democrats alone won’t block them—we need mass grassroots resistance.
Eli Day
ViewpointRural America
What Can the Biden Admin Do to Make Our Food System More Resilient? Make it More Local.
Our food supply chains are vulnerable because they’re highly concentrated, corporatized and unaccountable to the public.
Ben Lilliston
The GOP's Assault on Democracy Demands a Third Reconstruction
Voter suppression threatens the American experiment as we know it. History tells us that hope rests on our ability to mobilize the masses.
Rev. Liz Theoharis
Democrats Are Wasting Precious Time with a Measly "Bipartisan" Infrastructure Deal
The bipartisan plan is a drop in the bucket. Democrats need to forget Republicans and pass a bold package that makes massive public investments.
Max B. Sawicky
How To Murder a Good Idea With Conventional Wisdom
"Defund the police" is a completely rational policy prescription. Political pundits don't care.
Hamilton Nolan
ViewpointRural America
Firefighters Are Worth More than $13.45/Hour
Federal wildland firefighters are leaving the workforce because the risks of the job outweigh the poor pay. It couldn't happen at a worse time.
Jonathon Golden
Ilhan Omar's Only Offense Is Telling the Truth About the United States and Israel
Republicans and Democrats are once again targeting the Minnesota congresswoman for acknowledging the crimes of imperialism and occupation.
Hadas Thier
RIP Jack Terricloth (1970-2021) of the World/Inferno Friendship Society
Raise a glass to toast the life and legacy of an anti-capitalist, cabaret punk iconoclast.
A.M. Gittlitz
Bezos the Great and Powerful
Beyond the dangers of corporate consolidation, Amazon's acquisition of MGM has exposed an American economy that's mostly make-believe.
Jacob Bacharach
Every New Financial Bubble Is a Cry of Desperation
Neither meme stocks nor cryptocurrency will save you from wage slavery. Only politics can.
Hamilton Nolan
Joe Biden’s Progressive Economic Turn Was Shaped By Social Movements
Years of grassroots organizing helped create the conditions for Biden to embrace bold policies on government spending.
Mark Engler and Paul Engler
Don't Fall for the Israel Apologists' Bad-Faith Accusations of Antisemitism
There's no bigotry in defending Palestinian rights. Any claims to the contrary are part of a cynical ploy to deflect from the crimes of an apartheid state.
Jesse Mechanic
Words That Mean Nothing
Our political discourse is dominated by issues that don't exist
Hamilton Nolan
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