Working In These Times

Coal-State Democrats Push Biden on Silica Rule: What’s the Hold-Up?
The lifesaving rule has been in limbo for 6 months. A recent In These Times investigation named silica as the main culprit in a new surge of black lung deaths.
Kim Kelly

Working Class History Is Happening Before Our Eyes
In These Times Executive Director Alex Han discusses how and why workers are organizing in unprecedented numbers as we speak.
Alex Han

UPS Teamsters Have Authorized a Strike. What Comes Next?
The clock is ticking.
Teddy Ostrow and Ruby Walsh

Amazon Says a Worker’s Death Was Not Work-Related. But a 911 Call Appears to Contradict the Company’s Narrative.
A 911 call, obtained through a FOIA, only cites dehydration as the possible cause of the fatal medical emergency.
Sarah Lazare and Jeff Schuhrke

Neoliberalism Has Wreaked Havoc on Canadian Workers. Now, They’re Charting a New Path.
“Labor has not survived unscathed. It is quite scathed.”
Maximillian Alvarez

Canadian Workers Are Saying No to Precarity
Workers at the Canadian Labor Congress came together to share stories and organizing strategies.
Maximillian Alvarez

How Worker Solidarity Propelled a Union Drive at the Country’s Richest University
Earlier this year, a year-long campaign to unionize 6,000 non-tenure-track workers at Harvard finally went public. A model of member-led organizing helped make it possible.
Dusty Christensen

Can the Teamsters Save Amazon From Itself?
Working at Amazon is a nightmare, some workers say. It doesn’t have to be.
Teddy Ostrow and Ruby Walsh

Workers Organize for Better Conditions After Air Quality Plummets
As smoke from Canadian wildfires blanketed much of the East Coast last week and air quality worsened, some workers organized to try and stay safe.
Paige Oamek and Rohan Montgomery

Cop City is Bad News for Working People
Kamau Franklin and Mariah Parker on the fight to stop Cop City in Atlanta.
Maximillian Alvarez

The Unions and Workers Supporting Cop City Protestors
“Cops are the first line of defense for business owners and employers, so I think it makes sense for labor to be opposed to Cop City.”
Sarah Lazare

The War Over No Strike Clauses Has a New Front Line
In Erie, PA, Wabtec workers are poised to fight for the right to strike.
Hamilton Nolan

Norfolk Southern Won't Clean Up Their Mess Unless We Make Them
“Even early on, I knew it would not be safe to go back home.”
Maximillian Alvarez

The Labor Movement Just Scored One of Its Biggest Victories in the South This Century
In Georgia, 1,400 workers at a school bus manufacturer voted to join the United Steelworkers, marking a watershed union victory in the region.
Luis Feliz Leon

Rolling Back a Century of Progress, Republicans Are Reviving Child Labor
It might seem unimaginable that we're backsliding into the era of exploiting child labor. But that’s precisely what the GOP appears to be doing.
Sonali Kolhatkar

Southern Workers Are Building a Movement to be Reckoned With
“The South got something to say, workers here have something to say.”
Maximillian Alvarez

Minnesota Just Banned Captive Audience Meetings. Every State Should Follow Suit.
Minnesota just banned captive audience meetings, presumably understanding that it is unreasonable to force working people to attend mandatory meetings at which their boss delivers to them the equivalent of an Ayn Rand book reading.
Hamilton Nolan

Les travailleurs de Iowa peuvent-ils affronter le géant de la viande, Tyson?
Les travailleurs essentiels qui ont eu un éveil de conscience pour améliorer leurs conditions de vie pendant la pandémie se battent maintenant pour un syndicat.
Luis Feliz Leon