Kristian Williams is the author of Our Enemies in Blue: Police and Power in America and American Methods: Torture and the Logic of Domination.

The Best Police Money Can Buy
In the Fox series APB, police misconduct doesn't exist, and privatization and technology can fix any problem.
Kristian Williams

Orwell’s Defeats
A new book of letters offers a glimpse at the man behind the reputation.
Kristian Williams

The Legacy of Anarchy Comics
A new volume revisits the series that breathed new life into the genre.
Kristian Williams

‘Two Wasted Years’: Orwell at the BBC
Some at the BBC fear commemorating George Orwell because he was 'too left-wing.' They probably shouldn't bother anyway.
Kristian Williams

Black Classics Reborn, Graphically
Artists draw African-American literature, from Du Bois to Hurston, in a new Graphics Classics volume.
Kristian Williams

Exclusion Zones
Policing public space—with deadly results—in Portland, Ore.
Kristian Williams

Wedding Bells & Jail Cells
The gay rights movement must be about more than the fight for marriage equality.
Kristian Williams

Palestine Revisited
A brilliant new book redraws Gazan history.
Kristian Williams

Good Grief
Opaque prose aside, Judith Butler's new book asks crucial questions about how we tolerate state-sanctioned death.
Kristian Williams

Counterinsurgency 101
General Petraeus says he thinks the war in Iraq is winnable. His recent manual suggests otherwise.
Kristian Williams

Undercover Cover-Up
Was a Portland attorney the target of the NSA domestic spying program?
Kristian Williams

Torturers R’ Us
President Bush denies reality
Kristian Williams