Anthony Mangini is an editorial intern at In These Times. He holds a master’s degree from the University of Minnesota and a bachelor’s degree from New York University. He currently resides in Chicago.

Geoengineers Gone Wild
Techno-entrepreneurs are funding sci-fi solutions to global warming.
Anthony Mangini

Frack Corporate Personhood
A Pennsylvania judge has drawn a hard line against so-called corporate 'persons.'
Anthony Mangini
Facebook’s Zuckerberg Under Fire for Pro-Drilling Advocacy
Anthony Mangini
PHOTOS: Chicago’s Mass Demonstrations Against School Closings
Anthony Mangini
Is Christopher Dorner ‘The First Human Target’ of Drones on U.S. Soil?
Anthony Mangini

Big Bank Executives Skirt Jail Time While Lesser Fish Are Left to Fry
Anthony Mangini

Pennsylvania Republicans Introduce Bill to Steal 2016 Election
Anthony Mangini

Demonstrators Throng Steubenville to Protest Collusion in ‘Big Red Rape’ Case
Anthony Mangini

The 12 Biggest Labor Stories of 2012 (PHOTOS)
Labor certainly made news in 2012. But was it a banner year or a bruising one?
Anthony Mangini

Emanuel to Justice Department in 2009: “Shut the F—k Up” About Gun Control
Anthony Mangini

TransCanada Cuts Corners in Protecting U.S. Water Supply from Possible Keystone XL Spills
Anthony Mangini

Rahm Emanuel Evades Questions Over Mob Ties in Non-Union Deal
Anthony Mangini