I guess you do what you can when you come to one of these conferences. Hillary just arrived and announced that the Dutch have been our friends for 400 years.
To prove the point Hillary pointed out the travels of Henry Hudson the Englishman who failed to find a northwest passage from Europe to Asia. Although Hudson was an Englishman, the English gave up on Hudson after his two failed attempts to find a passage. So the wealthy Dutch Indies Company hired Hudson for a third try. Hudson never did find a passage to Asia, but he did discover the Hudson River and what was to later become NYC…before his Dutch crew mutinied and sent him adrift in the icy waters of the Hudson Bay. Here's a nice visual portrayal of that event.
Maybe it's just me, but I do not think this vision bodes well for the Afghanis. Perhaps this is a coded message to Karzai?
-Live from The Hague, at the international conference on Afghanistan
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