Against All Odds, Argentine Workers Keep Co-Op Movement Alive

Jeremy Gantz

If you’ve seen Naomi Klein and Avi Lewis’ excellent 2004 documentary The Take, you know about the cooperative/​collectivist workers’ movement that sprouted following the collapse of Argentina’s economy in 2001. (If you haven’t, you should: watch the trailer here.)

Today, almost 10 years after the collapse, nearly 200 worker-run businesses are soldiering through another economic crisis. But the sustainability of this movement isn’t just threatened by the current global downturn: Divisions within the movement, apathy from the government, hostile courts and a lack of capital all challenge the factories’ health and future.

That’s according to Adam Case, a former ITT intern who traveled to Argentina last year to visit some of the factories and talk with some of the principal organizers. Check out his brand-new InThe​se​Times​.com feature story, To Resist is to Survive,” detailing what he learned. Nearly a decade after workers occupied the first factory, their story and struggles are more relevant than ever.

Again, his story is here.

Jeremy Gantz is an In These Times contributing editor working at Time magazine.

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